12 Beverages that could Help with Weight Loss

12 Beverages that could Help with Weight Loss

liquid beverage

Losing weight is a holistic process and everything from what you eat to what you drink can make or break that process. So definitely, the secret to the body of your desires also has to do with what is in your glass as you consume them daily. Liquids do have calories too and it certainly affects your weight loss efforts. Imagine hundreds of calories accumulating each day without you being very conscious about them because you have been only mindful about your food.

Don’t forget that drinks go down faster and much easier than food so you are more likely to mindlessly drink while eating, working, or having fun with friends. While sodas are often avoided, they are not the only ones with liquid sugar in them as there’s also a long list of energy drinks, frappes, sports drinks, bottled juices, and alcoholic beverages. Thing is, they do not really do anything to satiate your hunger but dangerously contain more sugar and less fiber. What they do have listed on the label are the sugar and the calories they contain so always take that into careful consideration when you go shopping for beverages. However, this is not true for alcohol as it is not required to be listed but it is considered as the second most condensed source of calories in comparison to carbs or fat.

So what should you be sipping on besides your favorite drinks while you are trying to lose the extra pounds? Here’s what you should be drinking for a successful weight loss as well as to benefit from better sleep, hydration, and digestion.

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  1. Vegetable juice

The sound of more vegetables in your drinks may seem a bit discouraging but vegetables juices are big on taste and nutrition. The key is to choose the veggies that are already pleasantly tasteful for you or to try a recipe that combines different juices that turn into a delicious drink. Conversely, having your vegetables in a liquid form makes it easier for you to take them. Great veggies as drinks are carrots, cucumber, kale, sweet potatoes, and wheat grass.

  1. Water

Yes, plain water. Water quenches the most intense of thirsts and restores the fluids the we lose through metabolism and physical activity. Fortunately for you, it is also key to a successful weight loss. In 2015, a Journal of Obesity study has found that drinking 2 glasses before meals increases the likelihood of weight loss when compared to going straight into eating.

  1. Skim milk

Milk is actually rich in lean protein, calcium, and vitamin D. It helps in building your muscles and keeping your bones strong. But go for skim milk or the low-fat version so you can benefit from all the vitamins but not the added fat.

  1. Green tea

Green tea has been popular in the weight loss universe for a good reason and that is to boost one’s fat-fightig metabolism. Aside from this, it also play a major role in helping you maintain your current weight and suppress your hunger. The Journal of American College of Nutrition published a study that revealed how green tea drinkers shed off 6 pounds on average in just two months. The key is to take it freshly brewed without the added sugar and cream. Green tea is likewise great as an overall health drink with its flavonoids and antioxidants.

  1. Lemon water

There are many ways to jazz up plain water to make it more appealing and lemon water is one pro-weight-loss recipe. Lemon water makes it easier for you to down more healthy liquids into your system as it is packed with Vitamin C and other minerals. And so for a quick boost of flavor, go for lemon water instead of those sugar-filled sodas.

  1. Coffee

Because coffee can give you that extra boost, it can also help you burn more calories at the gym. There’s a study to back this up from the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. When this study was conducted in 2015, it was found that when the participants had 2 to 3 cups of coffee before they hit the gym, they were able to do more leg presses at 20% and more bench presses at 12%. Similarly in 2011, a study found that the group of participants who had coffee before they exercised were able to expend more energy before and after their workouts.

Coffee likewise has a positive effect on the hormones that is responsible for your body’s blood sugar regulation. A stable blood sugar plays a big role in the storing and burning of fats in your body. Just remember though that plain black coffee will give you maximum results so try to forget about heavy cream and sugar if you want to lose weight. You have to say goodbye to your favorite frappes, mochas, and lattes for now as they’re not really gonna help with your fitness goals. Try Organic Coffee w/mushrooms

  1. Mint tea

Cravings are one of the major culprits that often lead to weight gain and when you are able to curb your cravings, you are also lessening the likelihood of and its compounding effects on your weight. Mint tea is meant to curb your strongest cravings by causing changes on your palate when taken after a meal. Notice how you crave for sweets and desserts after lunch or dinner? Now, you can give in to that or have that exotic taste of mint tea in your mouth that will really discourage you from having a soda or a slice of chocolate cake. It may sound like a major party pooper but you have to have your cravings in check if you want to lose weight. So try to enjoy a cup of mint tea after meals and help yourself fight off cravings in the afternoon or at bed time. Mint tea is great too for that fresh breath feeling.

  1. Kombucha

Kombucha is a fizzy, fermented drink made out of lightly-sweetened tea and a probiotic-rich bacteria. You know probiotics to be good for digestive health and this translates to avoiding weight gain and obesity. Research studies have found how bacteria that lives in the stomach play a major role in these areas by changing how fat is stored in the body, how blood sugar is balanced, and how responses are made towards the hormones responsible for making you feel full or hungry. Stimulating the growth of good bacteria in your digestive system through probiotic drinks means helping you lose weight easier than usual. In particular, kombucha is full of the probiotics you need and are readily available in supermarkets. Just make sure to check the label and get the ones with not more than 5 grams of sugar in them per serving.

  1. Rooibos

It’s not as complicated as you think they are. Rooibos is delicious herbal tea that is unlike green, white, or black tea as they all come from Camellia sinensis. This tea hails from the rooibos plant and like green tea, it contains flavonoids that are a type of antioxidant that fights off the free radicals brought about by a poor diet.

  1. Turmeric milk tea

Sleep and rest are contributory to efficient weight loss and turmeric milk tea really helps you sleep soundly through the night when taken before bed time. What happens is that the calcium and the tryptophan that is found in your favorite dairy products help your brain make the melatonin that induces sleep. Meanwhile, turmeric contains curcumin that helps shrink your adipose cells and limit your fat accumulation. Curcumin likewise reduces inflammation, helps relieve anxiety, and stimulates antioxidant effects. More research is yet to be done but turmeric milk tea provides you with a better alternative in getting you to sleep more soundly at night and take you to your weight loss goals faster.

  1. White tea

While there is green and black, there is also white tea and is actually a welcome break with its light, subtle flavor. If you are new to tea, white tea is great as a start as it is easier on your palate. You can simple brew it with hot water and you can already have yourself a calorie-free warming beverage. It is really perfect when you are trying to cut back on your calories without having to sacrifice on flavor.

  1. Coconut water

Who would have thought coconut water can help you lose weight? Well, coconut water is an equally refreshing drink that also gives you a low-calorie alternative against soda or other sweet, flavored drinks. If you can have fresh coconut juice with zero additives that would be awesome. Otherwise, you can look for brands with less to no sugar as it already has a lightly sweet natural taste. Always check the label to choose the best option.

13. Drink Shakeology

Shakeology is high protein, good-to-excellent source of fiber (depending on the flavor), low-glycemic index (GI) shake that delivers vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, digestive enzymes, prebiotics, and probiotics.

This powerful superfood nutrition shake can help you start to clean up your diet by helping to curb junk food cravings and satisfy hunger.*

Are you ready to lose weight, build muscle, or feel more fit? Join Beachbody On Demand, and get unlimited access to Beachbody’s world-famous programs, including 80 Day Obsession, 21 Day FIX®, Insanity, P90X® and 100’s more. Don’t miss out on your chance for amazing results. Sign up today!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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