18 Healthy Resolutions for the New Year besides Losing Weight

happy new year 2022

Resolutions for the New Year besides Losing Weight

What better way to start your year than with a good bunch of resolutions, right? Unlike promises, resolutions are not meant to be broken. You list them down and resolve to follow them all year through. The typical end goal for such resolutions is to better yourself so you are able to enjoy a more productive yet well-balanced year for yourself. Most likely than not, they have sprung from the areas where you would need improvement and probably some mistakes that you want to avoid in the upcoming year. As such, it would be the perfect time to think about how you want to improve and enhance yourself in the next 365 days. Should your weight loss be on top of the list of your resolutions, then don’t worry because you will never be alone on that one. Yes, this is supported by surveys and in fact ranks as one of the most popular.

After working on resolutions year after year though, it is not enough to just set vague intentions because you will not go very far with those. Charlotte, North Carolina-based licensed psychologist, Lauren Gross, PsyD, confirms that you will only feel overwhelmed with vague goals that say losing weight, getting in shape, or building muscle. Your fitness resolutions have to be converted into SMART goals in that they have to Specific and Measurable but Attainable, Relevant, and importantly, Time-bound. With that in mind, here are 18 SMART-oriented New Year’s resolutions you can consider that is relevant to your personal goals:

  1. Reach for your toes

It is easy to forget about flexibility as a key component to any fitness regimen. Indeed, building muscles and losing weight are more than worthy as a goal but being able to bend down just to touch those little toes is of equal importance. Flexibility is what allows you to move your body smoothly to perform a variety of tasks each day. Remember to take a few minutes for stretching as you start your day or anytime of the day you are feeling sluggish and sleepy. It will surely awaken those tired limbs and core. If you have a little kid at home, it would be the perfect time to sing and dance to the tune of “My toes, my knees, my shoulder, my head” together. It is certainly going to be fun! If you are looking for some guidance be sure to check out Autumn Calabrese’s Controlled Stretch on the BOD app.

save on BODi

  1. Hit a 10,000 step count daily

Have you ever hit your step count or better yet, have you missed hitting your step count in the past? A 10,000 step count is certainly no joke and when you are too tired to take another step, it is easy to just bail out especially when nobody is looking. However, 10,000 steps target per day is not even going to help you lose a significant amount of weight. You will just be hitting the minimum that is recommended for your activity volume for the day to keep healthy. So do yourself a favor and hit that step count for the sake of your health if not for weight loss. If your job gives you no choice but to work in your cubicle all day, take the stairs if you have to hit 10,000 steps.

  1. Get into a meditative state

Peace of mind is such a rare state to achieve these days but if you want those same days to be much better than before, meditation is definitely something that you should get into. You know how you want to be productive for the day and end up getting anxious to do anything? Well, that is because your mind is too full with a lot of other things it has to worry about to focus on that one thing that you actually need to do. Fortunately for you, meditation can help save the day to clear your mind from clutter and make you more focused on the tasks at hand. When you feel calmer, you will find yourself concentrating better and being able to think in more creative ways to solve problems. Check out some sample meditation programs like Unstress for a 21-day guidance on meditation that is available on the BODi app.

  1. Explore a new workout routine

The New Year can bring a lot of opportunities to try something new and if there is anything that you should be exploring, it should be an all-new workout that you have not done in the past but may be interested in. Take time to check out some latest programs so you can renew your excitement and change up your typical routine. If you opt to still do your regular one though, then do some research as to a more modern version or a new twist that has been added by a different trainer or fitness enthusiast. If you are the creative or inventive type, then you can probably add that new twist yourself. You simply have to level up your game and come up with a workout that’s completely new to you. Maybe this time, you can finally engage yourself in a mud run or join in on an intense barre class online.

  1. Indulge in some luxurious Zzzz’s

We say indulgence because adulting can really cause you your good night’s sleep. Gone are the days when falling asleep and staying asleep for hours is a breeze because now it is a luxury. The CDC confirms that one-third of the population is not really getting a good amount of sleep. As a gift to yourself though for the new year, being able to sleep soundly for hours should not take the backseat anymore. Remember that with good sleep comes all the other good things such as improved mood, better concentration during the day, and a healthy bodily system overall. Never underestimate what complete rest and relaxation can do to your physical, mental, and emotional well-being besides the weight loss benefits. Go ahead and secure more zzzz’s for yourself and stay asleep for at least 7 to 9 hours each night.

  1. Document your resolutions

The daily grind can make you easily forget about the resolutions that you have just made so it would be to your advantage if you could document in a manner that is comfortable with you. Some people like keeping a journal and writing on them on a daily basis while others type them and keep then on their smartphone or laptop. Whichever way you choose is a good practice as long as it helps you get to your end goal which is to be able to stay on track with your resolutions for the year. Monitoring your progress with these resolutions is another good practice and when you have written them down somewhere already then it is easy for you to track your progress. As you make document them, you can make a list that you can check off each time you achieve your goals for the day that ultimately leads to your long-term targets. You can likewise opt to put them on some kind of a mood board so you can see them as you wake up and get to bed at night. Being able to envision them this way can have a better shot at retention than just writing them down. The sight of actual words accompanied with colorful pictures increases the chances of keeping to them for some visual learners and individuals.

  1. Toughen up for some obstacle course like Tough Mudder

Tough Mudder T Minus 30

If your goal is to become tougher and stronger, then there is no better way than to challenge yourself with no holds barred whatsoever. You will never level up if you always give in to fear and avoid taking risks at all costs at the sight of a challenge looming ahead. This year, challenge yourself to take on a Tough Mudder to keep yourself motivated like never before. Tough Mudder is the all-famous obstacle challenge that is innovative in nature and has become one of the most epic courses the world over. You do not have to be a badass athlete to tackle Tough Mudder. You just have to be able to work with a team to test yourself physically and mentally. Plus, it is going to be tons of fun so once you get used to the course it won’t be as tough as you think. To get ready for Tough Mudder, you can check out Tough Mudder T-MINUS 30. This one is a training breakthrough that will help get you in good shape for any challenge such as the Tough Mudder. Hunter McIntyre, the four-time champion of Tough Mudder X has put it together for your strength improvement, mobility, speed, and endurance.

  1. Gradually progress towards unassisted pull-ups

As you should know by now, your healthy resolutions for the New Year mostly involves leveled up versions of what you have been doing in the past. Well, the ultimate goal is overall self-improvement so it is just right that you will need to go outside of your comfort zone if you are that determined to make a change. Remember in high school how you used to do some pull-ups at gym class? That was probably your first and last but it is time to get back on track this time. A pull-up is one of those compound exercises that is especially focused on training your back.Pull-ups actually serve as a solid benchmark for bodily strength so this will be a good assessment for you. If have never executed one then don’t worry because the goal is to do it gradually and not overnight. But if you already have, it is time to get better at it and eventually do it without any assistance this year.

  1. Have water instead of soda

You might have excused yourself for the holidays and opted to drink all the soda that you can. But now that you are facing a new chapter in your health journey, it is time to get back on track with both your food and drink intake. Take the first step and swap your favorite soda for water because it is obviously the healthier choice. To slowly wean you from the soda, you can flavor your water with some cucumber and lemon to spice things up while staying on the healthy side of things. The same holds true for other sugary drinks that you were having. Swap them for water when you are feeling thirsty and cut back on your sugar consumption at the same time.

  1. Go for clean and green beauty products.

As you know, staying healthy also means staying clean and by clean we mean Mother Earth-friendly. Be more conscious about the products that you apply on your skin because not all of them are clean and green. Come to think of it, what is pure and what is as close to nature as possible can prove to be very friendly to your skin and is healthier as well so it will be like hitting two birds with one stone right there. Ditch some of those usual synthetic products and go for organic ones that give you the same skin protection and enhancement. You will not only be kinder to your body but to the planet Earth as well. Now, isn’t that a noble resolution to make?

  1. Practice 3 of the more challenging yoga poses

yoga scorpion pose

You can just resolve to practice yoga more consistently but what’s the use of resolutions if you’re not going to go big with them, right? In this case, you can think of 3 poses you have been wanting to try but have been hesitant to pursue. These 3 poses can also be those you admire seeing in yoga practitioners who are advanced in their practice. They are typically difficult to execute but a beauty to behold. Of course they require flexibility, strength, and experience to carry them out properly so start gaining that experience under an instructor’s supervision as you start your year. Think handstand scorpion, tripod headstand, or formidable face pose. The handstand scorpion is considered one of the most difficult poses to achieve in yoga and requires strength, balance, and the right amount of slowness as you execute the move. Just give it your best shot! If you want to master yoga while at home, check out Yoga52 and press play.

  1. Do meal prepping consistently

In case you have started preparing your meals the previous year, it would be to your advantage if you do it more consistently this year. You already know how much of a challenge it can be so work on those obstacles until meal prepping becomes a natural part of your daily life. The key is to make a list of ingredients that will go well with your particular diet plan and be able to stock up on them at home. It is easy to come up with recipes once you have your diet-friendly ingredients ready and even experiment on your own recipes this time. Keep plated photos of your cooked meals so you can go back to them anytime. Prepare your meals that can be good for at least three to five days to ensure that you don’t go astray. It is also a must to prepare during the weekends because that is where the temptation to cheat is strongest. Remember to bring packed food when you need to get out of the house for work or some errands. Be ready with your own diet food at all times.

  1. Sunscreen more often and more diligently

woman applying sunscreen

Speaking of going outdoors or lounging at your favorite beach, the first thing that comes to mind in relation to protecting yourself would be wearing sunscreen. These days however, those are not the only occasions which call for diligent protection from the harmful rays of the sun. Before going out of the house, wearing sunscreen is a must on a regular basis. With that said, you can’t just choose any sunscreen from the store because it has to suit your kind of lifestyle, complexion, and skin care regimen. As a general rule though, a SPF of 30 and higher can provide you with the best care and protection. Besides, sunscreen can help in slowing down the visible signs brought about by aging especially when you make wearing sunscreen a daily habit. Slather sunscreen in areas of your body that is most exposed to the sun even if it is a cloudy day. Prioritize your face as it is the one most exposed to UVB and UV radiation. If the chemical content of a particular brand of sunscreen is a concern, go for reef-safe ones that contain safe but effective minerals only.

  1. Take on a fitness challenge

A fitness challenge is not just any challenge because it is so much more than that. While doing the challenge, you are sure to improve on your fitness but more than anything, you also get to enhance your mental well-being. And don’t forget how the social factor in fitness challenges is what will motivate you to push harder. As you build that social support, you will also increase your accountability and consistency deep into the challenge. The routine and structure that you develop will continue on as a desirable habit even when you have already reached your goals. So go ahead and choose a fitness challenge that you can complete. There are many 30-day challenges that you can choose to do each month including BODi Block, squat challenge, and plank challenge to name a few. Break them into chunks to make them doable then adapt with the needed accommodations. Remember to prioritize your recovery as well to maintain that healthy relationship with exercise.

  1. Brave out and run that 5K

Motivation is important in making sure that you will be able to pull through with your resolutions. Internal motivation is key but external motivation in the form of rewards can likewise have a huge impact. Think winning a medal and some bragging rights all year when you do a 5K. Running a 5K can revamp your interest in exercise and take it to the next level with this ultimate achievement. Typically, it goes for 3.1 miles but don’t dwell too much on the distance – it is just a number. Instead, think about your end goal and all the positive things that will go with your upcoming achievement. It is a guarantee though that you will be giving your confidence a big boost like never before. Besides, a 5K is ideal for beginners looking to go the distance. Check out some running events in your locality and start with your training as early as you can. Two months is recommended for your preparation so make sure to schedule your sessions properly.

  1. Cut back on your alcohol consumption

Consuming alcohol can be one of the most challenging activities to manage especially when you have been used to turning to them for comfort in the previous year. Now, it is time to give it your utmost attention to minimize the negative effects it brings on your health and wellness. In case it has developed into a nasty habit of yours, it is important to apply systematic desensitization and gradually wean yourself off alcohol. At the very least, you can keep your alcohol consumption to a minimum because eliminating it completely is not going to be an overnight thing. Start by making a decision to finally quit and work towards developing healthier drinking habits. Once you do, you will immediately notice that you will feel better in the morning and become more energetic during the day. As you keep going, your skin will glow differently and you will also start losing weight as your appetite improves. Most importantly, it will have positive impacts on both your behavior and judgment as a whole.

  1. Prioritize self-care at all times

Self-care can never be overemphasized as you begin your year anew. Whether you have done some self-care or not in the past, the goal is to get to the next level of where you are currently at. So yes, this has to be your top priority no matter what because all other resolutions will never come to fruition if you are not in the best condition physically, mentally, and emotionally. Now, you can only achieve this when you are well-rested and feeling good about yourself. Never feel guilty of pampering yourself because YOU are most important and me-time is non-negotiable. Make it a part of your daily routine in the same way you would having a scrumptious, healthy meal. It does not have to be a grand gesture. It can be as simple as listening to your favorite song or dancing to the groove but it gives you that exclusive kind of happiness that’s meant only for you. When you have more time, you can do the grand self-care on some weekend at the beach or an overnight stay at plush hotel.

  1. Declutter your household

Remember Marie Kondo and how she has changed the world with her Konmari method? Well, this one will never go out of style and should be a part of your resolution for the new year. Apparently, there is magic to tidying up and unless it sparks joy, any object should not be kept in your home. You have to discover how to give each and every little thing in your house its rightful place. You can let Marie Kondo guide you at this point because it can be confusing when you don’t know where to start or how to actually do it. Decluttering basically involves being able to categorize items in every room in the house and she can give you practical tips to make it happen. Schedule the decluttering sessions that you intend to do so they do not take its toll on your emotional dynamics as you let go of some stuff. Another principle that you can follow in organizing your home has to do with minimalism. And so, after you have finally freed yourself from stuff that do not spark joy, remember not to add them back as you go shopping next time. Buy only items that you actually need and be more mindful about what you bring home.

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