40 Tips for Developing a Healthy Lifestyle

40 Tips for Developing a Healthy Lifestyle

healthy lifestyleIt is quite easy to find different kinds of quick tips on weight loss online. So what makes this one different and worth your while? Well, this is a collection of the best tips you can ever have, all in one place so you can be sure that what you will do is actually going to be effective and give you the results you need. You will see that weight loss isn’t just about dieting but more about following a fitness lifestyle that you must maintain to keep those pounds off forever. The good thing about this kind of holistic approach is that, it’s not only your outside appearance that gets better but your overall health as well. Keep this in mind as you try to apply each tip in your journey towards a more beautiful you inside and out.

Are you ready to lose weight, build muscle, or feel more fit? Join Beachbody On Demand, and get unlimited access to Beachbody’s world-famous programs, including 80 Day Obsession, 21 Day FIX®, Insanity, P90X® and 100’s more. Don’t miss out on your chance for amazing results. Sign up today!

1. Act now

The first step towards making it happen is to actually do it and to do it now – not later, not tomorrow, not after the holidays or some other later time but NOW. This is imperative especially when you have been putting it off for some time now and can’t seem to just kick it off. The fact that you have been thinking about it shows how you recognize the need to lose weight already. The rest is going to follow once you make the first step so make a commitment as soon as you can. This doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy any party or food affair along the way. It will just mean that you will be more conscious about what you eat and how much you consume. It will also mean that you will spend your time more wisely, exercising and moving about instead of sitting and eating more. You can certainly take it slow if it will help you succeed more, but don’t put if off any longer. So act now, act smart, and act your best.

2. Get on a schedule

One way to commit to losing weight is to eat on schedule. Set the hours by which you take your meals and then stick to this schedule every day. It has been shown in studies that eating at predefined hours helps with digestion as an individual’s biological clock is synchronized with his brain and stomach. You yourself might have noticed feeling bloated when you don’t eat during your usual time and this could be because digestion takes longer. As such, do your best to follow the schedule which you have set and notice the changes. Lastly, make it a habit to eat at least 2 to 3 hours before you go to bed to allow the body time to digest the food you have consumed before you sleep.

3. Keep moving

You can make your weight loss tasks as naturally as possible where it will not take too much from you and moving about could be the most natural thing that you can do. So any opportunity you have that will allow you to move, take it and know that you are doing it with the intention of losing the unwanted weight. Remember that the more you take active movements, the better because you also burn more calories. So whether you are sitting down, working from home, or having a relaxing day, do your best to move and get busy. Any form of physical activity is great especially when you get to finish productive tasks at the same time including gardening, cleaning, washing, and the like. Do anything you want except sitting on a couch and eating junk food or lots of desserts.

4. Stay motivated

Start right by clearly defining the reasons as to why you are trying to shed those pounds off. In this way, you can stay motivated as you make each effort towards your goal. Intrinsic motivations in particular or ones that are motivated by internal rewards tend to be more powerful especially in terms of seeing you through. In this case, losing weight because you yourself want to look great or desire to be healthier can be a stronger motivation in comparison to doing it because others told you to do so. Be reminded of these reasons when the going gets tough and you feel like giving up.

5. Do it safely

Your safety should be foremost in whatever that you do and this includes your weight loss journey. You know when you are doing it right when it does not compromise your safety or put your health in danger. This implies not resorting to quick fixes that will make you end up adding more to your weight in the long run. What you should go for are strategies that are natural for the body and allow you to maintain a healthy weight with the passing of time. And so before you do anything, do your homework and find out which will help you lose weight. Diet pills may seem healthy as advertised but proceed with caution and dig deeper as you try to research on products that you use or exercise strategies that you adapt. Almost always, anything that gets you there too fast have negative consequences that will either cause you to start from scratch or worst, cause regression and make you sick.

6. Get inspired

Doubt can sometimes eat you alive when you are trying to reach a goal for yourself. If you have not been successful at weight loss, it can make you think that you will always fail at it. At this point, it is advisable to get inspiration from the success stories of other people because it can help you relate with the struggles that they have gone through before they succeeded and make you understand that the challenges are essentially a part of that success. Also, if you are going through the same issues, you can take a lot how they have handled as it may work for you too. The objective is to make you realize that yes, it’s not easy, but you will get there when you don’t quit, stay consistent, and just keep going no matter how many times you may fail. Get inspired by others’ success and learn from their mistakes.

7. Choose wisely

Yes, you can eat anything, but if your aim is to stay slimmer, you have to be more discriminating as to what you can and can’t have this time. Be more conscious about the fact that every single thing that you put in your mouth and how much will have a direct effect on your weight. There are various types of diet regimens out there and you can go for the one you know have the most significant effects on your body. Make sure though that you keep it well-balanced to confirm that it is indeed healthy and safe. As such, any diet that restricts you from consuming certain food groups is bad practice because it is only going to result in undesirable deficiencies or make your body weak. For instance, not all fats have to be avoided because some fats are actually healthy and are needed by the body.

8. Make it different

A good principle to follow when you are trying to make a change is to do things differently than what you would usually do or how you respond given certain situations. For instance, when it comes to exercise, change your routines from time to time. Say, do a certain exercise faster or longer than you typically would particularly when you have reached a plateau and is not anymore losing weight. Change the exercise itself or add a new one as necessary. In this manner, you can keep your heart beat going and burn those calories away. Meanwhile, if you have been in the habit of relaxing by sitting on the couch and munching on unlimited junk food or sweets, change your relaxation technique and take a leisurely walk instead. Losing weight implies letting go of your bad habits and replacing them with more desirable, weight loss-friendly ones.

9. Diet drinks too

Every aspect of your weight loss regimen should be just that – weight loss friendly. And this certainly includes your liquid intake. Calorie-loaded drinks such as frappes, soda, beer or other alcoholic drinks should definitely be avoided. You can check on the calorie count of these drinks and you will find out that beer can have about 193 calories per pint, while wine could be at 134 kcal per glass, and your regular cola at 90 kcal. Because you have drinks daily, it would be wise to keep count of your calories so you do not consume too much. Try alternatives such as green tea or low calorie fruit shakes to quench your thirst. Of course water is the best when it comes to achieving your ideal weight. Consistency should be maintained in your food as well as your drinks so that your time and effort will not be wasted.

10. Develop new habits

The fact that you have gained weight implies that you have been harboring bad health habits that can range from eating more carbs, procrastinating on exercise, or going out frequently for alcoholic drinks. You can choose to go on with this kind of lifestyle as long as you don’t expect to suddenly lose the extra pounds that you have put on in the first place. However, if you are serious about achieving a more desirable figure then you should know better. Dump those nasty old habits and develop new ones that are logical opposites of the former. For effective weight management, your best chance is a change of lifestyle – one which is healthier and is geared towards your renewed fitness. This way, you are making it easier on yourself and prompting you closer towards your goals. This big lifestyle change is going to dictate all the small habits that you need to adapt.

11. Always break the fast

You must have heard it many times that starting your day with a full breakfast is the way to go for anyone trying to slim down. After you have slept and fasted for hours, the body needs food to revive its energy levels. When you have good meal after you wake up, you are also waking up your digestive system, hastening the digestion process. Consequently, you end up having the energy throughout the day and feeling less hungry for more food. Focus on protein-rich foods to make it right and enjoy your eggs, cheese, yogurt, ham, and black organic coffee each morning.

12. Steady and sure

You can do a crash diet and get results faster than a bullet but find yourself extremely hungry, sick, and gaining back all the pounds that you have lost in the long run. Meanwhile, making steady progress with each passing day may take some time, but it helps you keep the pounds off for good. In terms of your workout routine, doing too much to can result to a catastrophic injury which you don’t want to end up going through. Like always, anything that’s too much is bad for you and this holds true with reshaping your body. So don’t be in too much of a hurry and be more patient. You will be happier to see the rewards on your slimmer figure when you know you have worked hard for it. You will also develop the confidence to continue with this kind of fitness lifestyle and look great for as long as you want.

13. Check the label

If you have a calorie goal per day, it is desirable to check the label per food item to make sure that you are still within bounds. In general, low fat and low calorie foods are encouraged while those which are high in calorie count but have no nutritional value have no place in your grocery cart. Such empty calorie foods make you hungry faster and make you tend to eat more later. So yes, you have to be more meticulous this time. Also, if you follow a certain diet regimen which is aimed at lowering your heavy carbohydrate intake you can check the back label for the amount or grams per serving. This will help ensure that you are following your program religiously and are making it as effective as possible. As you know, regular exercise without proper diet is useless so let the labels guide you accordingly.

14. Avoid the couch at all cost

Of course you can relax if you want to but if your kind of relaxation entails sitting on the couch for hours while munching on junk food, then that is a big no-no. Aside from zero movement and zero calories burned, you are adding more to your weight by eating more. Make this a daily habit and you will become a sure candidate for obesity, making it harder to lose weight with the health risks and complications that go with it. Try and think creatively about your relaxation outlets and remember that exercise also makes you feel very relaxed afterwards especially when you make your routines enjoyable.

15. Prioritize drinking water

Water is very basic and yet it is one of the most important ingredients to a successful weight loss. It is also the most taken for granted so try not to make the same mistake of ignoring it. Six to eight glasses or 3.7 liters for men and 2.7 liters for women is the minimum for daily water intake that allows for normal body functioning, detoxification, and importantly, weight management. Water helps remove the toxins from the skin and body as well as aids in digestion. It makes you feel full for longer, reducing your hunger pangs and calorie consumption. So start your day with water, carry it in a bottle anywhere you go, and have it before meals to quell your cravings. In case you feel the urge to snack or eat sweets, try some water first. Have water for as much as you would like because it has zero calories.

16. Say no to fads and ads

Weight loss is a highly competitive million-dollar industry that key players would do anything to get ahead of the competition. It’s easy to fall for those well thought-of ads that give you false promises and information just to lure you to buy products. Most of them are fads that are not really effective or are dangerous to your health. Make a conscious effort not to be tempted by them and avoid seeing them if you can especially on TV, social media, newspapers, and the like. Should you encounter something that interests you, do your own research first to find out how safe and effective these products or services are before you make any decision. At the end of the day, you know that there are no shortcuts to a healthy weight loss.

healthy lifestyle butt17. Never skip a meal

Dieting is never about starving yourself because it will only intensify your hunger pangs and make you eat even more. As mentioned earlier, your first meal of the day is important because it will determine how much you consume the rest of the day and this goes for your other meals as well. If you eat every 2 to 3 hours, this tends to boost your metabolism and allows you to spread your calorie consumption evenly – facilitating weight loss. Also, to increase your chances at succeeding, plan your meals ahead of time and don’t keep any food that’s not a part of your diet plan that you might get tempted of eating. Snack if you have to and make it healthy but never ever starve yourself.

18. Make it cardio + resistance

When you are trying to lose weight, the more obvious exercise to follow seem to be intense cardio, heavy sweat and all. This is common practice intended for fat-burning. However, to make it complete, combining resistance training with your cardio exercise is a highly recommended weekly routine. Include resistance training or weight lifting in between those cardio workouts you have for the week and you will surely lose weight. While you are burning the unwanted fats with cardio, you will be able to build the muscle mass that will increase the rate by which the body can burn calories even when it is at rest or the Resting Metabolic Rate through resistance exercises.

19. Own it and claim it

There is power in visualization and if you have a goal as huge as losing weight, visualizing your success is going to help you a lot in realizing it. It may sound like an old trick but many successful individuals have used it to stay focused on their goals and propel them to success no matter what. So more than just a trick, it actually is a strong strategy that you too can apply to achieve your fitness goals. Keeping in mind all the positive things that can happen when you have finally achieved your ideal weight will really motivate you. Imagine how good you will look, the clothes that you can wear, and think about the wonderful things that you can do when you are fitter. With this, whatever it is that your mind conceives, your body and your whole being can definitely achieve.

20. Supercharge your metabolic rate

You probably heard a lot about boosting your metabolism to shed off those extra pounds and there is a good reason why metabolism boosters are highly recommended. Metabolism is the rate by which the body burns calories and when it is increased, it results in undeniable weight loss. There are effective ways to boost your metabolism and one is to eat frequent meals all throughout the day. These meals should compose of high protein, low-carb sources in order to be fitness-friendly. When it comes to exercise, 2 to 3 times per week is ideal and that the level of difficulty has to be gradually increased in order for it to work. Do increase your pace, number of reps, and duration to increase your heart rate and with it, your metabolic rate.

21. Monitor your food intake

Your food diary is as important as your personal diary because it helps you keep track of what you eat daily and makes you accountable for it. It reminds you of what you should be eating, how much or how little, and which ones you should not be consuming at all but have strong cravings for. It serves as a visual reminder of your commitment to a healthier body that’s why it can be very effective. It allows you to constantly check whether you are indeed following your diet program or need more determination to stay close to it. It also helps you see how your emotions can affect what you choose to eat and whether you use eating to relieve your stress. If so, make a conscious effort not to turn to food to binge eat but to nourish you, not only physically but mentally and emotionally as well. Whatever you eat, write it down and allow it to strengthen your resolve to lose weight by eating right.

22. Forget crash diets

Transforming your body requires hard work and if given the chance, who would not want it the easy way, right? Crash diets offer a quick fix solution but will also crash you for real. You will not only deprive yourself of good food each time you go hungry but you will also be piloting your body to destruction. Online, you will find millions of resources directing you to fast or instant weight loss but these are also mostly the ones which require you to literally starve yourself. But because it is supposedly endorsed by a famous celebrity or fitness personality, you will tend to fall for it. The truth is that, not all bodies are the same and an effective diet plan is one which is customized according to your physical needs and not somebody else’s. And so, forget about those crash diets that have seemed to work out just fine for others. Understand that the pounds that you have gained, you have acquired over time and it will also require a good amount of time to shed them off in a healthful and safe manner. What’s important is that you stay consistent and you will get there for sure, so no need to speed up the process then endanger yourself at the same time.

23. Be conscious of your portions

Of course food portions matter and when you have a large portion, you are also consuming more calories. You can have low-calorie, low-fat foods and still not lose weight if you eat too much or consume large quantities of them anyway. So yes, eat smaller portions if you want to get slimmer. Most of the time, it just takes common sense or instinct to know how much you should be eating. One thing is for sure though, and that is you cannot continue to eat in the same amounts as you used to when this practice have brought you weight gain in the first. Eat as sensibly as you can, have some from each food group, and stop before you feel too full. What’s ideal for you as a portion size is something that you yourself can determine as you observe how much you gain or lose with your weight when you stick to your diet. You will notice that over time, you will get used to eating much lesser than how much you used to have and this will eventually lead to weight loss.

24. Love vegetables and fruits

The importance of fruits and vegetables to your health cannot be overemphasized and more so when you are trying to trim down. Fruits and veggies facilitate weight loss by providing you with the fiber that makes you feel full longer and rids your body of the toxins. They also contain the vitamins and minerals that is essential for proper digestion. The recommended daily allowance for vegetables are at least 5 servings daily. If you are not normally a fruit or vegetable person, try to explore the many options available until you find the one that satisfies your needs and particular taste. In this way, you do not miss out on what’s necessary for your weight loss goals. You can have them as part of a meal, side dish, smoothie, or a snack – any way that is comfortable for you and tasteful enough for your discriminating palate. The point is, whatever it is that you need to do, do it so you can have the amount of fruits and veggies that should be part of your daily diet habit.

25. No more excuses

You are not doing yourself any favor by making excuses. In fact, you can make a lot of different excuses to postpone your diet program or exercise routine but the more you delay it, the harder it becomes for you to actually do it and develop the habit. So every time you feel like making an excuse again, make a conscious effort to do the opposite and keep to your weight loss goals instead. Otherwise, everyday will only become another cheat day for you or another day to linger on the couch. Take it one day at a time or with each meal or each hour. Take it slow if you have to. Just don’t make excuses then end up not doing it at all.

26. Explore your fitness options

Since you have to make weight management a lifestyle, it would be good to explore the various fitness programs that will suit you and will make it easy for you to maintain. This means choosing one which is convenient, safe, enjoyable, and very likable for you. The best way to do this is to try the different programs that are available out there until you find a match. You can do swimming, yoga, pole dancing, Zumba, spinning, and the like. To make it more exciting, you can also do a mix of different programs each week like doing boxing every other day or TRX on weekends. This would be suitable for those who easily get bored or want the benefit of targeting the varied aspects of a healthy weight loss. This can be an enjoyable way to finally having the body that you want.

27. Walk!

Walking is easy and natural so it could be one of the best ways for you to shed those pounds off for good. You can allot a particular time of day to do walking as an exercise or simply replace going somewhere with walking rather than commuting or driving. The thing about walking is that you can also do it while relaxing as you walk in the park or walk with a friend while having feel-good conversations. You can walk for 20 to 30 minutes per day and not even feel like having to take time off your busy schedule just to do it. You can do 10 minutes in the morning, during lunch break, and before you get home as long as the weather permits. Otherwise, you can make indoor walking possible as well within the house or building, or on a treadmill. For the average person, a 30-minute walk can make you burn 100 calories. You can increase your walking pace and burn even more.

28. Reach for your short and long term goals

Weight loss is a serious project and like other projects, you have to be able to set clear goals if you want to succeed at it. They have to include both short-term and long-term aims for them to be effective. Long-term goals are those that you want to achieve as a whole, while the short-term goals will compose of smaller achievements that piece by piece, will contribute to your long-term objectives. For both though, you have to make them specific and measurable. As such, you need to define how much you want to lose, for how long, and the exact strategies you will employ to achieve it. In this way, every effort you make is well-directed and will make your goal attainment a more possible reality.

29. HIIT it

High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT is considered best for burning calories fast for busy bodies as it only requires 15 minutes of your time and yet it helps you achieve so much. HIIT is characterized by alternate periods of high and low training intensities in a 15-minute workout. For instance, after warming up for 2 minutes, you can go fast on a stationary bike for 1 minute, then go slow the next minute. Finish your workout with a 3-minute stretch. You can do this for other exercises or on other gym equipment like the treadmill. The goal of HIIT is to trick your body into believing that you are still going fast even if you have already slowed down. It is highly recommended by fitness trainers for its efficiency and efficacy in weight management.

30. Make the scale your friend

The weighing scale only reflects your true weight so don’t hate it like it is the one at fault. Your faulty eating habits, emotional eating, and physical inactivity are those which has contributed to your weight gain and these are to blame. As such, you have to make the scale your friend if you want to succeed at losing weight because like a true friend, it will tell you honestly how much you weigh. You have to trust that the number it is showing you is a reflection of your current fitness state and if you want it changed, then you also have to change your ways. Admit that you had unhealthy habits that resulted to the scale going high and then work hard to make it reflect your ideal weight. Be responsible for your actions and see your progress on the weighing scale as you gradually let go of those unwanted pounds.

31. Ask for help

If you are very independent and is not used to relying on other people for help, it can be a bit awkward to actually need someone and solicit help. However, your weight loss journey will be lighter on you when have family, friends, and a strong support system to back you up during difficult moments. For instance, if you have been doing it on your own but have not been getting the results you expect, you can seek the help of a fitness trainer, dietitian, or even a general physician. In this way, they can help objectively assess what could be wrong or lacking and be able to recommend the best way for you to go to lose weight. It could also be that you just need an exercise buddy to help you commit better to your gym time. Whatever it is that you need, do not be afraid to ask for help as it is meant to make your load lighter and help you succeed more.

32. Burn more calories

Losing the extra weight that you have gained involves a lot of factors but there is a basic rule that has to do with calorie count. When you are able to consume lesser calories than what you can burn, then it will result in weight loss. So the more calories you burn and the less you consume, the better for your physical improvement. Keep this basic equation in mind in everything that you do – while you eat or exercise, and it is sure to take effect. Needless to say, you really have to burn more, sweat more, move more, than you eat.

33. Try the Mediterranean diet

Different diets suit different people because of their varying bodily needs but the Mediterranean diet is highly recommended because it promotes a healthy lifestyle as a whole. As such, it is unlike the commercial diets that you often find where you may lose weight but not necessarily in a healthy manner. The Mediterranean diet is all about consuming plant-based foods more than anything so it includes whole grains, nuts, fruits, legumes, veggies and the like. Red meat is limited in a month while fish or poultry can be consumed twice or more a week. It is also for healthy fats so you have to replace butter with canola or olive oil. You have the option to drink wine moderately with your meals. Importantly, exercise has to be an essential part of your new lifestyle. Try it and see if it will work as effectively for you.

34. Score the perfect timing

Timing is very important in facilitating weight loss. This holds true both for fat-burning and muscle-building. The ideal time to lose fat is slated in the mornings while building muscles is considered best to do in the afternoon. This has been backed by several studies showing how fat-burning results are observed more in the mornings and performance improvements go well with afternoon exercises. And so to quicken the time for your weight loss, do your cardio in the morning for accelerated fat-burning results and then go for resistance or weight training in the afternoon to build your muscles.

35. Sleep and rest

Plenty of rest and sleep should be well-balanced with your exercise efforts to help your body relax, rest your muscles, and facilitate weight loss. Most experts consider 8 hours of sleep to be ideal and healthy. Meanwhile, it is not only your body which needs ample rest but your mind as well. Do what you can to deal with stress in a healthy manner and never turn to food to relieve your stress especially when this involves loading up on carbohydrates, eating lots of sweets, binge eating, or gorging on too much alcohol. Instead, nourish your body with healthier foods and drinks, have a good time with friends, or exercise as this helps a lot in relieving stress while helping you lose weight.

36. Make yourself accountable

You are responsible for your actions and you are responsible for your weight loss success or failure as well. How much you lose or don’t lose in the process is a result of your own actions so you cannot blame other people for making you feel miserable and heightening your cravings for too much food. You have direct influence, power, and control over your ability to follow your diet and be consistent with your exercise. Take control and make every effort to succeed. Do not waste your time allowing your current situation to hinder you from achieving the body that you want today.

37. Let the world know

To strengthen your resolve to lose weight for real, you have to let the world know that you are currently working on achieving a slimmer, healthier body. Because other people know and you care about what they will think about you, you will be encouraged to work harder and be conscious about your every move. You will also tend to think twice about giving up because you know that people will be expecting real changes from you. The more people know about your weight loss efforts, the more individuals you will be accountable to and that’s a good thing as you will be forced to really do it like you don’t have a choice. On the other hand, you can tell the same people when you are struggling as they can really help perk you up and get you back on track again.

38. Set reminders

It’s easy to forget about your diet or exercise when you are busy everyday or having a particularly difficult time. That’s why it is good to have constant reminders about your weight loss goals and what you need to do daily to get there. And so 30 minutes before you have your meals, you can set a reminder on your smartphone as to controlling the food portions you consume. Accordingly, before your exercise time, you can set the same reminders as well. If you have to make post-it notes and spread them where you can see them immediately then, this is the kind of visual reminder you should be putting up. Another wise move is to download a fitness app on your phone which will constantly give you helpful information on how to lose weight as well as to help you keep your focus on your goals. Finally, you can register for a fitness newsletter so you can stay updated on the latest scientific studies on effective weight management.

39. Change the way you snack

Most often than not, the snacks that you are used to are not really healthy and could even be the main culprit to your weight gain. The snacks that you might have been used to are laden with calories and they often have a negative impact on your diet plan. In this case, it is important to change the way you snack to make your transformation possible. You do not have to abandon snacking completely or immediately as this will only make you want to crave for it more. But you do have to choose what you snack on and how much. For instance, instead of having a 150 kcal chocolate bar, go for a 70 calorie apple and dramatically reduce your calorie consumption. Like your meals, your snacks should also be planned ahead of time to make it more weight loss-friendly. Ideal snacks are those less than a hundred calories like most fruits, dark chocolates, berries, dried mangoes or nuts, rice crispies, yogurt, raisins, and rye crackers.

40. Check out a fitness mag

Check out fitness magazines on the rack or online and have a good read. These magazines often contain practical information that you can apply to your daily routine. They are also complete with step by step procedures and pictures that can be really helpful. Online magazines have links to videos which show you how to cook healthy recipes or specific exercises that target muscle groups. Often, fitness gurus likewise share their pieces of advice on proven weight loss strategies to employ. Experiences of real people on how they succeeded in their own journey are typically found in magazines as well. Finally, looking at pictures of fit and healthy individuals can serve as an inspiration that you too can reach this fitness state.

Are you ready to lose weight, build muscle, or feel more fit? Join Beachbody On Demand, and get unlimited access to Beachbody’s world-famous programs, including 80 Day Obsession, 21 Day FIX®, Insanity, P90X® and 100’s more. Don’t miss out on your chance for amazing results. Sign up today!

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