9 Ways Shakeology Shakes Up Your Modern-day Diet
9 Ways Shakeology Shakes Up Your Modern-day Diet

What about a Café Latte Shakeology to speed up your fitness and weight loss goals? Someone who is already into Shakeology and loving the different flavor options knows how it can be the fastest and healthiest way to go. But when you are just starting out, you would certainly wonder how drinking their Café Latte or trying the Peanut Butter Banana Split recipe help you manage your weight to get to your desires. They all seem to be raving about it, but really, how can it help or support your diet?
Peanut Butter Banana Split and weight loss can seem like an impossible match but Shakeology allows you a nutrient-rich meal replacement that helps you shed those pounds off effectively at the same time. You will discover later that what can be hampering your progress are the nutritional gaps that result from your diet that fortunately for you, this super shake can substantially fill in. Shakeology contains powerful ingredients that reduce your food cravings, provide you with a healthy source of energy, and support your digestive health. You will feel better, do better, make wiser choices, and become more than ready to take on any challenge!
If that is not enough, here are more ways in which Shakeology works to your advantage:
- It maintains the highest standards of ingredient quality and sourcing – It was Carl Daikeler, Beachbody CEO; Isabelle Daikeler, nutrition and fitness advocate; and Darin Olien, superfood hunter who created Shakeology together. From the beginning, their idea was clear and that was to develop a nutritional product that will help bring back the nutrients that have been missing out in our modern-day diets. It wasn’t going to be just any type of shake though because the founders vowed to prioritize health benefits over cost or profit. The result was a potent combination of superfoods from around the world put together with precision to maximize their health benefits.
- It gives you more than just protein – Fact: Shakeology is not your typical protein shake. Of course it is a protein-rich source which gives you 16-17 grams of protein in each glass depending on the flavor. This amount is equivalent to about three large eggs in terms of protein content. Interestingly, the protein from this super shake is of several types as it is sourced globally from quinoa, flax, chia, pea, and whey. Paige Bente, M.S., R.D., C.S.S.D however adds that aside from the protein blend, it likewise contains ingredients that are based from a number of nourishing fruits and vegetables. Other ingredients possess antioxidant properties and it includes vitamin A, rose hips, pomegranate, and green tea. To help the body react to stressful situations, it also has a traditional blend of adaptogens as well as a super green, phytonutrient blend. For gut health, there are the enzymes, prebiotics, and probiotics. Shakeology ain’t just a protein shake but a superfood nutrition shake containing the nutrients that you need daily and to power your workouts.
- It strengthens your willpower against cravings and ultimately help you shed those extra pounds off – Losing weight won’t be much of a struggle if only you consumed more of what you need instead of what you want. But realistically speaking, that is not always the case and you know this all too well. You KNOW how to lose weight simply by exercising regularly, eating healthy foods, and watching your portions. But what you often DO is eat more ice cream because that is what’s screaming at you and you cannot help but to listen to it! Your willpower can be easily weakened by the sight of your favorite food and any resolve you may have can quickly fly out the window. This is where Shakeology can come to the rescue and become the hero that saves your day. Bente shares how it helps by reducing your appetite while increasing your satiety. Consequently, you do not desire for food that much and you also tend to eat less at the next meal. If you have a sweet tooth that won’t budge, it will tone down your cravings in a healthy manner. It will replace your consumption of foods that are low in nutrients but high in calories. So before you reach for that chocolate cake, concoct your own Chocolate Shakeology smoothie and be your own hero.
- It liberates you from the stresses of meal planning – Meal planning is a crucial part of weight management especially when it helps prevent guesswork and last-minute unhealthy eating decisions. However, there are days when you are too busy to prepare a good meal or just not inspired to linger in the kitchen. Also, meal planning, preparation, and cooking is not for everybody as it sometimes takes skill and talent to put together a tasty and nutritive meal. With Shakeology, you can still stick to your greens by simply adding it to your meals. In fact, it is a very delicious way of incorporating plant-based nutrients to your usual diet when you are not big of a fan of vegetables. Why stress yourself out when there are a lot of Shakeology recipes you can try. They are much easier to prepare, add more variety, and ensure you do not miss out on important nutrients your body needs.
- It pumps up your fiber – Shakeology is your ultimate source of fiber with each serving delivering at least 6 grams for all its flavor offerings. This certainly is advantageous when you are trying to lose weight or maintaining a healthy diet. Fiber helps you to feel fuller for longer so you do not crave for food as constantly as you used to. It also supports healthy bacteria in your tummy and help you move waste regularly through your digestive system. That 6-pack abs you’ve been working on will be much easier to achieve this way.
- It motivates you towards developing clean-eating habits – These yummy super shakes can really motivate you to ditch your old eating habits for a cleaner version. It does not have those nasty artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives that usually mess up your diet. Beachbody is very meticulous about where they source each ingredient. Most of the botanicals come from whole plants that are dried and then ground into powder to become Shakeology. What you get are superfood-ingredient powders that help in maximizing the nutritive value of every ingredient. They’ve even got this Morning Meltdown 100 program that lets you jump-start on clean eating. So instead of reaching for your favorite junk food, you’ll be motivated to snack on a cleaner option when you make Shakeology readily available wherever you may be. If you keep doing it, you will eventually be able to build a powerful clean-eating habit out of it.
- It tastes so good that you will want to keep drinking it – It is understandable how the taste factor is important to the regular consumption of any healthy beverage. This is where Shakeology is of great help because drinking it is a delectable experience that you will keep looking forward to. Drinking healthy never tasted this good! It comes in a variety of classically delicious flavors like Café Latte Whey, Strawberry Whey, Vanilla Whey, and Chocolate Whey. Even when you just mix it with water, it’s a guarantee there is a flavor you will enjoy. If you are into the greens, there are 4 flavors in the Plant-based Vegan Shakeology collection to choose from including Tropical Strawberry, Café Latte, Vanilla, and Chocolate.
- It gives you more choices and options in the health department – When you start eating healthier, you will discover that you often end up eating the same stuff over again. Take for instance the yummy kale salad. It does really taste good, but after a while, it can get boring and uninspiring. The same holds true for other veggies and fruits that you frequently consume. Eating those same staples over and over again can really get to you. If you have reached that point when walking down the produce aisle does not give you the same excitement anymore, then it is time to let Shakeology shake up your health routine. Shakeology can help you break out of the rut and give you a wide range of fruit and vegetable ingredients including those you don’t normally consume. Think bilberries, reishi mushrooms, or chlorella. Fortunately for you, just a scoop of Shakeology already has all these superfood ingredients ready for you and you can enjoy them in different ways each day.
- It is the kind of grab-and-go food you can count on – One of the reasons you cannot eat healthy consistently is because life can get too hectic at times that you won’t have time to whip up anything healthy when you are hungry for it. It is way easier to just grab some junk food or order fast food out of habit. Shakeology can rescue you from these weak moments as it only takes a few minutes to mix with water and then you will be good to go until your next healthy meal. So yes, it is much faster than dropping by a convenience store or driving through some fast food chain. With Shakeology super shakes, you will find yourself sipping and enjoying healthy shakes more often – loading your body with the most desirable nutrients and making you feel better all over.