Can I Change the Order of the P90X Workouts?

Change the order of P90X Can I change the order of the P90X workout?

Breaking news: You can now “try” P90X FREE for 30 days with our Beachbody On Demand. You will also get the P90X Nutrition Guide as well. You will also have access to other workouts like P90X, Insanity, TurboFire, Brazil Butt Lift, T25, 21 Day Fix Extreme, P90X One on One’s and many others. (great value)

Often times when people look at something  the first thing they want to do is try and change it, make it better or switch things around to fit it into a schedule.  Plain and simple, people don’t want to follow the instructions.  Doing P90X is not one of these times.  I always recommend to everyone I speak with about P90X to always follow the P90X plan the way it is laid out for your first 90 days.  This means following the P90X nutrition guide and following the workouts the way they are laid out in the fitness guide.  Whether you are doing the P90X classic version, P90X lean version or P90X doubles, stick to the plan. P90X was laid out this way for a reason and if you want to get optimum results then you have to do it the way it is laid out. Yes , there is always and exception to every rule. If you are an elite athlete, nutritionist or a personal trainer then some modifications might be in order but for the other 99% of us, we should be sticking to the plan.

When you are doing P90X you will workout for six days and then either rest or stretch on day 7.  Sometimes people like to move around their rest day to coincide with their schedule.  This is OK as long as you are still following the order of the workouts.  Also, you don’t have to make you day 1 start on a Monday.  You can start any day of the week and make that your day one. Maybe you want your Yoga day to fall on a Saturday or Sunday since it is the longest of all of the P90X workouts. No problem, just keep following the schedule no matter what day you start on.

Once you complete your first 90 days with P90X you will have learned a lot about where you are and where you are going. Are you happy to just maintain now or do you want more?  This is where some slight modifications to the program might come in handy.  Let me give you an example of what I do.  The core of my workouts is P90X.  On Monday, Wednesday and Friday on do the resistance workouts with weights. On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I do cardio workouts.  What I do now is mix in some of Shaun T Insanity on cardio days and I do a couple P90X One on One workouts as well.  I still do P90X plyometrics and Yoga X but I just like to mix it up a little bit. Insanity provides that extra kick for some real intense cardio workouts. (Keep in mind I did 2 rounds of P90X before adding in additional workouts.)

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