Can You Maintain a P90X Body?

maintain p90x body Can you maintain a P90X body? Absolutely, and you can still get better. Hopefully you understand that your fitness is a lifestyle and not just some 90 day program you do one time and then you are done forever.  P90X is just the start and there are no limits on where you can go.  Personally, I have been doing P90X for about two years and I still love it.  I do mix in some of Shaun T’s Insanity and some other exercises but the core of my work outs still revolve around P90X. Have I found it easy to maintain the gains I have made from P90X? I would have to say yes!  P90X and fitness have become a habit for me kind of like how brushing my teeth is a habit.  I work out 5-7 times a week and I don’t see it as a chore.  It is a lot of fun and I enjoy it.  If I only get in 4 work outs for the week I don’t sweat it.  I just continue on and I really don’t even think about it.  If I have a pizza and a few Coronas I don’t sweat that either.  Your fitness is comprised up of all those little choices you make every day.  Day in and day out.  No one act that you do can describe your fitness or health.  Now if I made pizza and beer a choice I made every day then we would have a totally different picture here. (Get it?)

Maintaining your P90X body is probably going to be easier than you think since you will be able to do it in about half the time. In the P90X fitness guide there is a section that talks about P90X maintenance and the things you will have to do.  Obviously you will have to continue to eat healthy but as far as the work outs go, you will be able to cut back.

If you are happy with your results and want to tone it down a notch here is what Tony suggests:  Do the first round of the resistance work outs to maintain your muscles mass.  80% of the benefit in a resistance work out is had during the first set.  You can maintain at this rate but do not expect any huge gains.  Also, do P90X Yoga X and least once a week and do P90X plyometrics, Core Synergistics or Kenpo X once or twice a week. So that works out to about 5 days a week if you want it to and the resistance work outs will only be about 30 minutes.  So can you swing that?  Of course you can.


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