10 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Making a New Years Resolution Here we are again. You thought to yourself. You are not really sure if you should have any New Year’s resolutions to start off the year, when looking back, you...
9 Powerful Ways to Avoid Workout Burnout How important is rest for your mind and body? It is easy to feel guilty when you try to take some time off work for some mental and emotional rejuvenation. But these days, even...
How Fitness Leads to a Better Quality of Life Achieving optimal health and fitness doesn’t seem like an important feat at this point in your life. Your top priorities could range from earning more money, having better relationships or in general,...
18 Dietitian-approved Weight Loss Tips You wonder, why is it that you have been trying to lose weight and have tried all sorts of things but to no avail? Well, maybe what you have heard to have worked here and there...
6 Reasons to Love to Get Fit and Healthy “I want that six-pack!” Along with other visual reasons for getting fit and healthy, this kind of reasoning can make you want to give up easily when the going gets tough. Because...
Should You Work Your Abs Everyday? It may seem logical to assume that working your abs each day is going to help you achieve your goals. However, let’s not forget that your abdominal muscles are like any other muscle groups in...
5 Best Strategies to Lose a Lot of Weight So what if you have a lot to lose? Losing 30 pounds may not be the same or as easy as trying to lose 5 pounds but the challenge can really put...
40 Tips for Developing a Healthy Lifestyle It is quite easy to find different kinds of quick tips on weight loss online. So what makes this one different and worth your while? Well, this is a collection of the best tips...