11 Indicators to an Effective Workout You’ve been working out regularly and that is a good thing. Afterwards, you feel all sweaty, tired, and sore. Is that still a good thing? Sometimes, you take for granted how successful a workout is...
16 Practices to Quit to Lose Weight According to Registered Dieticians By now, you understand how weight loss takes time, consistency, and perseverance. Creating healthy habits require determination and patience. While all these are true, knowledge is at the foundation of...
13 Mindfulness Practices for Losing Weight You will find numerous tips and tricks to losing weight but only some of them will work while others will not. Because of this, you will need to do more than scratch the surface and...
Why it’s Time for a No-shoes Policy in Your Household What does Japan, Hawaii, and Scandinavia have in common? A no-shoes policy inside the home can be a bit uncomfortable to implement especially when you have guests to consider and you...
10 of the Best Workouts for Beginners Welcome to your journey to a fitter, healthier you! Deciding to get fit can mean differently for various individuals. It could mean losing 60 pounds of unwanted fat or gaining more in terms of...
Top 6 Excuses to Stop Making to Lose Weight What is your top excuse for not losing weight? Excuses are often what stands between you and a successful weight loss. There could be many of them but there are those which...
17 Proven Strategies for Keeping the Weight Off Congratulations! All your hard work and perseverance have paid off and you have finally achieved your ideal body weight. Now, you do not want to gain back what you have lost and it...
Top 9 Tips toward Proper Hydration for Weight Loss If you have been watching your food intake closely, then you are halfway through achieving your weight loss targets. Meanwhile, the other half of the battle in reaching a healthy weight involves...