Can I do P90X at the gym? Many people ask this question and the I guess the answer is, it depends on the gym. When doing P90X there are some things you will need that not all gyms have. The main...
Can I do P90X? This is a question I often get from people looking to order P90X. P90X is an extreme work out program and it will most likely push you to your limits at first. There are some basic guidelines...
Will P90X get rid of my love handles? First of all, why are they called love handles? I am pretty sure that there is no love for those handles that reside on some of our waists’. I’m pretty sure that anyone...
Will P90X get rid of my gut? Yes! There, I said it. How long it takes is another story. How long did it take you to completely cover up your wash board? How many beers and Big Macs have you eaten...
P90X is now available in Spanish for those who want it. P90X had become such a phenomenon in English and I am sure it will do the same in Spanish. Set de DVD de P90X + GARANTIA POR 90 DÍAS (ESPAÑOL)...
Will P90X work for fat or obese people? This question is one that I receives all the time and to give the an answer with a caveat is what I will do. Yes, P90X will work for you if your are...
Will P90X work for skinny People? This is a question often asked from people who have a crazy fast metabolism and can eat what ever they want and not gain a pound. They are skinny, they stay skinny and people say,...
Will P90X tone my butt? I would tell you to go ask Sheryl Crow, Roselyn Sanchez, or even Michelle Obama about P90X but I am willing to bet that you do not have any of these phone numbers in your Rolodex...