ESPN’s Erin Andrews Does P90X

Little did I know when I wrote a post back in January about P90X and ESPN that Erin Andrews would be doing P90X.  I kind of had a feeling that the ESPN family did a lot of talking behind the scenes and as we all know when something works as well as P90X does then word travels fast. So now in addition to Erin Andrews we have Jenn Brown, Doug Gottlieb and Brock Huard who have all done P90X. Now we are just waiting on Rachel Nichols. I wonder if she is outside of that circle? I guess time will tell.

Erin says she did P90X with the ESPN guys on the road so I am wondering who will be next from the ESPN family to get results from P90X.  Here is a quote by Erin from US Magazine.

“I also did P90X [an exercise DVD set combining plyometrics, martial arts and yoga] with the ESPN guys on the road,” adds the nondieter, who has even begun indulging in desserts and regular Coke (“because it has more calories!”) to stop shrinking.

I can tell you one thing.  These people from ESPN who have done P90X all look good and look in tremendous shape.  You get results with P90X. There is no disputing that.

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