Facts about becoming a Beachbody Coach
The Lowdown on Becoming a Team Beachbody Coach

Well, in case you haven’t hear the new, the BODi Partner program has been dissolved. There is no longer a team building element offered. Personally, I had a feeling something like this was coming. BODi was making commission cuts and changing things that only made sense if they were in financial trouble.
I won’t bore you with all of the sad details but the one good thing that came out of this is we found a new amazing company. It’s like Costco, but for high quality supplements. This industry is going through a disruption and this company is leading the charge. Once you see this quality at these prices you can’t unsee it. To see the company that is leasing the charge just go to The Great Network/Affiliate Marketing Disruption.
How would you like an opportunity to change the world one person at a time? Change can be huge but it can be made possible when you start with yourself and then extend help to others. Becoming a Team Beachbody Coach affords you that opportunity to help individuals attain their goals of living a healthier, more fulfilling life. As a Team Beachbody Coach, you can create Groups and then introduce them to healthier nutritional choices including the popular superfood nutrition shake, Shakeology.
You can work on your tasks anytime based on a schedule that you have set because you will be highly independent and you will become your own boss. Of course, you will earn income but your ability to earn will only be limited by how much effort you put in and how much you want to earn trips to various enticing tropical destinations like Punta Cana. So it really boils down to how many individuals you decide to help so that they make healthier decisions and then, you will be able to truly change the world one person at a time.
If all of these perks you up, then you might want to pursue becoming a Team Beachbody Coach. Here is all the inside info you will need:
- The Essence of a Real Team Beachbody Coach
A Team Beachbody Coach is someone who does not only help himself but helps others as well so that they can enjoy a better way of living. Helping others is his passionate cause as it gives him fulfillment every time he inspires others and helps them feel good about themselves. As such, you can be that someone who is already benefiting from the different Beachbody programs and world-class nutritional products and just want to share your success with others. Or you are that new-sprung enthusiast who have found inspiration from others and how their lives have been transformed that you want to take that leap of becoming a coach yourself.
Either way, being a Team Beachbody Coach means being rewarded in holistic ways with your overall physical, emotional, mental, and financial well-being.
- What a Team Beachbody Coach Does
So what do you do when you become a Team Beachbody Coach? When you finally become a coach, you are going to help people make that change in their current lifestyles. You give them the push and the direction they need to get started on a path towards a healthier lifestyle. You provide them support and help them keep to their goals until you both see the results that you have aimed for. You connect them to an eating plan, a nutritional product, or a fitness program that is best-suited to their individual needs so that they get the optimal results with their purchase. Primarily, you share about Beachbody products – nutritional products or fitness programs or both. You will also need to guide them in their use of the Beachbody products.
Another exciting perk about being a Team Beachbody Coach is that you can likewise share Beachbody as a business opportunity. You can inspire others to become a coach like yourself and help them achieve success. You can talk to people whom you know would make for a great Beachbody Coach. You can be a coach to new coaches who have signed up with your help so that they can learn about the business and work actively. When you introduce others to Beachbody products, you earn commissions and bonuses plus additional rewards from coaches on their team who do the same. It’s spells real fun!
You see, it is far from being complicated. You simply share the products, coach other people, share the business opportunity, and coach the new coaches that you have signed up for the team for the Beachbody business opportunity.
- What a Team Beachbody Coach Does Not Do
Selling and sharing are two different things and as a Beachbody Coach, you do not sell products but share your practical knowledge about products. Coaching equals selling is a commonly-held belief that is not going to help you succeed because this business is simply about turning fitness and weight loss into profit. You will be surprised to know that there are many people out there who are clueless about what to do to lose weight or become fitter. And they only need you to share to them about Beachbody. You do not force people to purchase the products – that is a decision that they make on their own. You do not also provide any kind of clinical health advice or make judgments of people based on their physical ability, fitness experience, or lifestyle. This is not your role as a Beachbody Coach.
The best part though about being a Team Beachbody Coach is that you do not have to commute going to the office unless you want to. You also do not have to strictly follow a 9 to 5 schedule as you will enjoy flexible time. You are the boss of your own business.
- What You Can Do as a Team Beachbody Coach on a Daily Basis
What do you do as a Team Beachbody Coach to run your coaching business? Your day to day business activity can be grouped into four main categories: sharing Beachbody products, coaching people who buy them, sharing the Beachbody business opportunity, and coaching others actively working the business.
- Sharing Beachbody products
It is easy to share about Beachbody’s products as a coach because these are the kind that have been proven to work. Backed by its high reputation, Beachbody products gives you a substantial leverage and an undeniable advantage up against what is offered by some other network marketing businesses. Your potential clients can easily recognize the products you are sharing because Beachbody does its own promotional campaigns for its fitness and nutritional products that amounts to more than 100 million dollars each year. So what you have are not only products that work but are actually well-known. If you know of any family or friends who is a Beachbody consumer, you are assured about how the same products have made a significant difference in their lives and in the lives of many other individuals. As such, when you sign up as a Beachbody coach, you will not be haggling with people to buy something because your business is simply about sharing them to those who are looking for improvement in their lives through nutrition, fitness, or both.
One of the most effective ways by which you can share about the Beachbody products is through your own experience as well as the experiences of other people who have already benefited from the results. Sharing your experiences can be in the form of casual conversations with different people you meet in person or through social media. If that is something you feel you might be hesitant to do, don’t worry because you will be taught how to do it in a way that is non-invasive. You know how it is when people keep hounding you on various social media sites like Facebook without any genuine interest in talking to you but in persuading you to purchase some products. Even if it’s from family or friends, you do not want to put others in that same position that eventually becomes uncomfortable it turns them off.
- Coaching people who buy Beachbody products
After you have successfully shared the products, someone will want to purchase them from you and that will be the next phase of your business process. This is where you will provide coaching and support after their purchase. One of the best ways by which you can do this is by creating a private Facebook group or using the BOD app that is especially dedicated for this purpose. So for instance, after a few individuals have bought P90X from you, you invite them to join your group so that they can all start with the program together. They will start on the journey at the same time and as a team, share their struggles and successes. It is also a venue for them to post questions, get answers, and work collectively to inspire, love, and motivate each other.

This is important because they will need the guidance and they need a safe place to air out feed back as to what’s working and what’s not as they strive towards their health goals. It is also good to watch out for people who will need individualized attention. You can talk to them over the phone for some one-on-one time and direction. The support aspect is an essential part of your coaching business.
- Sharing the business opportunity
Sharing the Beachbody business opportunity is a three-fold scheme. Let’s say for instance, someone has bought a Beachbody program through you. He is going through the whole program, drinks Shakeology every day, is gradually achieving his fitness goals, and is relishing the success. In this case, he is a great candidate whom you can share the opportunity with. First, point out how he is a source of motivation and inspiration for others and then ask if he has ever thought of becoming a Beachbody Coach. Most often than not, people do not realize that they too can become a coach and you, opening their eyes to the awesome possibility becomes a welcome opportunity. This is the first way by which you can share about the Beachbody business.
The second way involves talking to someone looking for a side hustle or a bit of extra money and knows some family or friends interested in becoming healthier and fitter. He can purchase a program through you then invite others whom he knows is likewise interested to join in so he can build a team and they can work together.
The third way is a bit of a level-up as you are going to talk to a person who’s into real business opportunities. Think passionate entrepreneurs or solopreneurs who are dedicated and unstoppable. With this kind of person, it is best to focus on presenting the business opportunity first before anything else. It is most likely that he has already heard about Shakeology, Focus T25, or P90X but his primary interest lies in the business potential itself. A huge advantage when he signs in is that Beachbody is a company that is a trailblazer in the health and fitness industry.
- Coaching others actively working the business
Coaching other coaches is one of the most fulfilling parts of the Team Beachbody coaching business. Once you have someone signed up as a new coach, you can guide him in getting ready and in how to run the business successfully. This implies that your coaching success becomes his success as well. You can make it happen in three ways. First off, you can do it on a one-on-one level. After signing up, you can engage him on a Getting Started Right conversation on the phone. You give him individualized attention and have an in-depth exchange. As is necessary, you can also schedule follow–up calls once each week.
Finally, you can establish private Facebook groups that your team can run each month. They can run for 30 days and you can spend 10 to 15 minutes per day for them. This is where your team can provide support, motivation, love, and allow your business to get off the ground then eventually, soar high.
- Beachbody Reward and Recognition Programs You Deserve
Coaching is all about motivation and becoming a Beachbody Coach likewise means being rewarded and recognized for a job well done. To ensure your success in the business, the program pumps it up for you using external motivation techniques and awesome incentives. Yes, you will enjoy 25% off your Beachbody products but aside from that, there are Reward & Recognition events and programs that you can look forward to.
The Success Club is a reward system where you earn points each time you help people achieve a healthier version of their old self. So as soon as you start with your coaching activities with Team Beachbody, the point-earning system is engaged. You earn points when you sell monthly subscription products like the Challenge Packs. All you need to do is to connect individuals to a solution that will match their health and fitness requirements. If you are able to attain the Success Club every month, it will give you several ongoing opportunities. For one, you will be able to participate in the incentive promotions and programs monthly for Beachbody coaches. You can earn “customers” provided by the company. Also, you can earn awesome opportunities to travel to exotic destinations around the world. You will have the chance to be mentored by no other than the most influential experts in the industry. Finally, you can enjoy receiving recognition on stage during big events with your Team Beachbody. If you are consistent with attaining the Success Club, it will mean that your business is growing and so are your earnings.
The next level of recognition is called Premiere and it is meant to reward coaches who are able to develop their teams by advancing their downline of Beachbody Coaches. The goal is to exceed your usual performance year after year via an intensive team effort. If you reach the Premiere level as a coach, you will become eligible for Coach Summit VIP tickets, custom apparel, Success Club exclusive receptions, and so much more.
If you desire to become the crème de la crème at Team Beachbody, the Elite level is what you should aim for. At this point, you will already have helped thousands of individuals each year and you are recognized as a high-performing coach organization. These Elite team players enjoy the most sought after rewards such as bonus checks monthly, VIP seats at the Coach Summit, the most exciting Elite 10 Adventure getaway to Provence, France and Bora Bora, and more that you will discover as you reach this stage.
- Team Beachbody Events for Coaches
How about some bonding moments with your tribe of like-minded people who are as passionate about health and fitness as you are? Does that excite you or what? What about you put together thousands of those kinds of people in one big event? Happiness at this point is all about gathering in one place, specifically in one of the country’s top cities, enjoying each other’s company. Or you could be waking up early for a sunrise workout more appropriately called a Super Workout which is one of the major events at Coach Summit along with so many more incredible activities.
So Coach Summit is Team Beachbody’s annual convention that typically lasts four days. And what it really is, is one huge party with an opportunity to be one among the first to hear about the latest products that is sure to help exponentially grow your business. Not only that, you will get to learn from coaches who have achieved great success through the training workshops then gather inspiration from several keynote speakers. Aside from working up a sweat with your best-loved Super Trainers, the fun part is always networking with other coaches from different parts of the world. It’s almost sure you will want to attend this Coach Summit because there’s a lot to gain and nothing to lose.
The thing about being a Team Beachbody coach is that you are never alone. You are always surrounded by the support of other coaches and you get to have lots of fun together so running your business is never a heavy task. At least 3 to 4 times a year, there is another gathering for Beachbody coaches called Super Saturday. These particular Saturdays are all about building momentum in one supercharged meeting. The dates are determined by Beachbody while the coaches take charge of gathering their respective teams. The meeting can be held in any venue that you choose so it can be in a home, a ballroom, or in an outdoor rendezvous.
The main agenda involves important announcements from the company which is shown in a company-wide official video. Meanwhile, Super Saturdays can also be great venue to share best practices or different ways to accelerate business growth and pump up the motivation and excitement for the future. If you plan to host a Super Saturday event as a coach, you will need to register for a specific date then acquire the official video that you will play for the whole Team Beachbody family during the event to make sure that everybody get to watch it all at the same time.
Leadership is one of the most significant aspects to coaching and the company understands the importance of honing your leadership potentials. With the growth of your business comes more opportunities and this includes access to exclusive invitation-only events like the Fall Leadership Retreat and the New Leader Conference. These leadership events gives emerging leaders and top coaches a common ground to come together for personal development, team building, and revolutionary training.
This is probably the most exciting activity for health and fitness buffs who are also Team Beachbody coaches. Selected ones can become participants in a test group put together for Beachbody’s newest and latest fitness programs. You will be provided with everything you need including equipment and all you have to do is to follow the workout and the diet plan. While you’re at it, you can take advantage of this opportunity to ask the Super Trainer some relevant questions about the program. Who knows, your fitness test results might even be shared on the Beachbody Blog! How cool is that? Because you have undergone the program yourself before it even launches, it becomes easier for you to answer any questions that may come up about it in your Challenge Groups.
- Becoming your own boss
If you have been thinking about running your own business but don’t know how to start, becoming a Team Beachbody Coach allows you that opportunity without the typical investment demands required in a traditional business set up. In this way, you can you can hit the ground right away with an existing product and make it grow bigger. What you get is a ready product, shipping scheme, advertising strategies, and fulfillment. Imagine finally being your own boss, having the freedom to run it independently, and managing your own schedule.
And because staying fit is part of the business, your health will become your top priority instead of something that you constantly put off. You can get fit by helping others achieve their own fitness goals as well. As a Team Beachbody Coach, you will enjoy the physical and personal benefits while being rewarded financially. Isn’t that awesome?
It is really fulfilling to help others especially when they struggle on their own to do it. Even if it is as simple as losing the baby weight, fitting into a wedding dress, or getting their youthfulness back – for the people you help, it is already a big thing. In the same way, working with your group participants in their journey towards their goals multiplies that feeling of fulfillment a hundredfold. Ultimately, you are not selling a product but providing them with a solid platform for their transformation.
- Earning as a Beachbody Coach
How much you earn is really up to you. You can make a living out of it if you want. Most Beachbody coaches however work part-time on their business and make it their side hustle to earn additional income while expanding their social circle and staying committed to their health goals.
But the others were able to transition their full-time jobs to a part-time one because of their coaching business. Some have even taken a leap of faith and totally quit their jobs to focus all their time and attention on their coaching business.
In anyway, there are three ways to earn income through coaching and that includes the Total Solution Pack bonus, retail commissions, and team cycle bonus. If you are looking to earn immediate income, you can invite people and offer the Group with a Total Solution Pack that provides them with a holistic solution. It is perfect for those who are just starting out and are clueless about what to get. With the Total Solution Packs, you are setting them up for success in their fitness goals using different combinations of workout programs, equipment, Beachbody On Demand memberships, and nutrition.
Retail commissions are what you earn selling Beachbody products and they can go as high as 25%. Product combinations or bundles like the Challenge Packs lets you earn commissions as well. If you want to go big time, you can create and build an organization of coaches and qualify for team cycle bonuses from their sales activities.
- The cost of investing as a Team Beachbody Coach
The initial cost for signing up as a Team Beachbody coach and starting your business is only $39.95 but I always recommend signing up with a Total Solution Pack as it waives this fee and will give you everything you need to start your physical and financial transformation. After a month or 30 days, you will be automatically billed per month for $15.95 using the credit card you provided. The monthly fee already covers for your personalized website to help you launch, personal development content, training, and reporting. It likewise includes all back-end operations so you do not have to be bothered by warehousing or shipping concerns and you can focus solely on your customers and building your business.
Signing up will mean getting a Business Starter Kit from Beachbody which contains everything you will need to set you up for success. The Starter Kit will include access to your very own Coach Online Office for 30 days; a Welcome Book as the newest Team Beachbody Coach; key support tools for effective business management, and your customized coach website.
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