How Do You Start Your Day? Simple P90X Advice.

Someone once said that the worst vice was “advice” but I seen this video and I couldn’t resist writing a little post about starting your day.  What you say and what you think about when you wake up in the morning can determine how your whole day is going to go.  Positive affirmations can help you in all walks of life and especially when it comes to your work outs.  When you wake up in the morning get excited about your P90X work outs.  Whether you are doing them right away or later in the day, being positive about your P90X work outs will help you achieve the results you are looking for.  If you say to yourself that you don’t want to do these darned work outs or you really don’t feel like doing them then what do you think the results are going to be? Exactly, a half ass work out.  If you say you can’t wait to “Bring It” and you feel good and you are seeing great results then you are sure to have a great work out.  This all adds up at the end of the day.  Stay positive, stay focused and you will get to where you want to be. In fitness and in life.

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