How Much Space Do You Need to Do P90X?

p90x-how-much-spaceHow Much Space Do You Need for P90X?

So I have received this question on more than one occasion so I decided to do a post about how much space is required to do P90X?  I’ve had questions like “I live in an apartment, will I have enough room for p90X”, “I don’t have a basement, can I do P90X in a bedroom?”, “I have hardwood floors, can I do P90X on them?” and many more.  So what I want to try and do is give everyone a good idea of the space it takes to do P90X.

You do not need much room. I would have to say that a space of 8ft by 8 ft would be sufficient.  You will also need a door to put your easy off pull up bar on. That is the great thing about P90X, you can do it almost anywhere.  Going on vacation? Take your DVD’s and laptop and you can still do your workouts.  You do need to put your dumbbells somewhere, unless you are using resistance bands, but you could  just set them on an extra layer of carpet in whatever room you are doing P90X in.

Personally I do my P90X workouts in the basement and that is where I have my dumbbells and my pull up bar.  We have an area that is padded a little and we have a mat just in case we have company working out with us.  One thing I would like you all to keep in mind is that if you decide to do your P90X workouts in a bedroom or living room that has carpet that the repetitious movements might give your carpet some additional wear and tear.  Same goes if you are working out on hard wood floors. You are jumping, rolling, lunging and stepping all in one small area so I guess I might be stating the obvious but it is just something to think about.  Would I let this little thing hold me back from a lifetime of fitness?  Definitely not!

So basically you can do P90X anywhere as it is pretty versatile.  Just think of all the money you will be saving on gym memberships once you start your own P90X journey.

Update: And now, as of spring 2015, you can now stream P90X, P90X2, P90X3, Insanity or many of the Beachbody workouts right to your tablet, phone, computer, Roku, Amazon Firestick or any internet connected device. You also have access to all of the Nutrition Guides and Workout Guides. We’re so confident in the value our streaming provides that you can try if FREE for 30 days. So not sure if you want to do P90X2 or P90X3? Try them both out and go from there. All you have to do is go to Beachbody On Demand to start your FREE trial.



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