How to Jump Start Weight Loss: Diet and Exercise Tips

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Diet and Exercise Tips to Jump Start Your Weight Loss

Now that you understand and know a little bit about dieting and exercising, how do you actually begin? The most difficult part about dieting for most people is starting out but once you get the ball rolling, it will eventually get easier. Don’t think of it as something that you need to do once and you’re done. This is more than that. It’s a lifestyle change and change is always difficult. However, if you are determined to do it, then nothing should stop you. Instead, you will look into what creative solutions you can come up with to combat those challenges. Meanwhile, here are some tips to help you get started on your diet and exercise.

Tip #1: Start Slow

People often tend to be ambitious in their weight loss plans and they go all out in their first week and then become exhausted for the next. This is a common mistake so many people make. You have to start slow, especially when you’re starting out, to get your body to acclimate to the exercise plan. Too many people want fast and easy results but that should not be the case if you are looking to do it successfully for the long haul. Exercising and dieting are lifestyle changes that will be with you forever. Take it easy at first and start slow. You’ll eventually get there if you can do it consistently.

Tip #2: Build by increments

Once you’ve learned to start things slow and get the hang of things, you’ll want to start building by increments. This would mean longer workouts, more intense exercises and a more strict nutrition plan. You don’t have to make huge leaps, just adjust it by small increments so that your body can adjust better for longer and more intense routines.

Tip #3: Try some sports

Simply just doing the workouts can get boring which is understandable. Some people would recommend doing sports as part of your entire workout. By participating in sports, you’re adding a bit of fun and a healthy dose of competition in the mix. Sports like basketball and football are great for endurance exercises while weightlifting and gymnastics are perfect for strength exercises. There are so many sports to pick and choose and you can even meet new friends along the way. Even if you aren’t good at it at first or can’t be as good as some people, the goal was never be the best but just get moving and have fun doing so.

Tip #4: Enroll in a class

By enrolling in a class, you’ll be able to stick to your routine better as you’ll be surrounded by like-minded people who want to be fit and healthy just like you. Don’t worry about your starting point as chances are, the class will welcome you with open arms because it’s not meant to be an exclusive club. Have fun, make new friends and be proud that you’re doing your best to change your habits and become healthier.

Tip #5: Limit your food intake

Sometimes it’s not what you eat but how much you eat. Even when you eat healthy food, if you eat too much of it then it starts to become a problem. Of course, when you’re used to eating a lot, your stomach will grumble a little because it is used to a certain amount of food. Start by slowly decreasing your intake once a week or, better yet, start tracking your macros and make sure you try not to go over it.

Tip #6: Drink Plenty of Water

glass of water that says drink me water

There is a study from 2014 that shows that water can help suppress one’s appetite but that’s not the only thing water can do. Water also helps boost metabolism while also increasing waste removal from your body. So how much water should you drink in a day? Most people would have you believe that you should drink 6-8 glasses a day but that’s not the case. The average amount depends on the person but, generally speaking, you should always drink as much water as you can to help maintain a healthy body. There seems to be a general consensus of at least half your body weight in ounces per day. Strenuous exercise will most likely require more water intake.

Tip #7: Bring a Friend Along

When you do your workouts and follow nutrition plans alone, it can prove to be daunting over time. It’s especially worse when you’re the only one following it while your friends and family could care less about any morsel of food that they eat. Try bringing a friend or two along that has the same mindset as you. You’ll feel less bored and more motivated and as a result, might do longer exercise sessions because of how fast time flies between you and your friend. Be wary however, that you’re still doing the exercises and not just standing there on your phone and taking pictures.

Tip #8: Sleep Well

When you don’t sleep well, you’ll feel a lack of energy and this causes you to overeat in the morning. Not only that but by sleeping late, you’ll also increase your chances of devouring a midnight snack. But going back, people who wake up tired in the morning often tend to make poor food choices, often taking what looks delicious and eating a lot of it. Try to avoid sleeping late and have a good night’s rest.

Tip #9: Keep it Varied

A big thing that keeps people away from committing to an exercise program is how boring or repetitive it can be. It’s a rather silly reason since you’ll only need to commit 30-60 minutes of your day to the routine but it’s something that needs addressing. Another good way to keep yourself from being bored or demotivated is by keeping your workouts varied. Variety is the spice of life and workouts too. That way you’ll do something new every day and not get bored while losing weight.

Tip #10: Learn to Reward Yourself Every Once in a While

Sometimes you just need to reward yourself after working hard. This can be anything from a taking a break for the day to taking yourself out to the movies. It’s important that you enjoy yourself every once in a while to help boost your mood and recharge yourself but make sure you will be able to get back on track the next day. Just try not to overdo it.

Tip #11: Eat Slowly

Did you know that you can trick your brain into thinking it’s full? The secret is to eat slowly and savor your food. It takes a while for your brain to process that you’re eating. After, it now believes that you’ve swallowed the food, it starts to assume that you’re filling your stomach up when in fact you’re still chewing. This is a great way to lose weight while also savoring your meal. Just give it a shot!

Tip #12: Change your mindset

Sometimes, it’s all about your mindset. A lot of people tend to think that following your exercise routine and diet is a one-off deal. The truth is that it’s not. Think of it as a lifestyle choice. You’re throwing away your old unhealthy habits and replacing it with something better for yourself. If you could change the way you see your diet and exercise, it will be much easier for you in the long run.

Tip #13: Keep it consistent and sustainable

As said before, you shouldn’t try to be overly ambitious with your workout regimen. By trying to go full force in your routine, you’ll risk burning out fast. On top of that, you’ll also become frustrated with yourself on why you can’t do what needs to be done. Start slow, build gradually and stay consistent. Don’t compare your progress to others and stay focused. Everyone starts from somewhere and you shouldn’t be ashamed of starting out small.

Tip #14: Have some fiber in your diet

Bowl of oats, fiber food

Consuming fiber has been proven to be one of the best ways to not only maintain your weight but also boost weight loss as well. There are several other health benefits too like lowering blood sugar, lowering cholesterol, lowering chances of heart disease, natural detox, stronger bowel movements and so much more. You don’t need to have fiber-rich foods everyday but it does help your body out when you consume it.

Tip #15: Avoid Sugar

As said before, fat isn’t the thing that’s making you fat. It’s the sugar that makes you fat. When you eat a lot of sugar, your body tends to convert it to energy but what happens when you don’t use that energy up? It gets stored in your body as fat. When your body breaks down fat, it gets broken into ketones which get used as energy. However, it doesn’t get converted back to fat again. Instead, unused ketones are excreted out of the body through urination. It’s best to avoid sugar or just limit it as best you can.

Tip #16: Stay positive and avoid negativity

Another factor that can lead to a poor diet and exercise strategy is your mood. Eating is a popular form of stress control which is very unhealthy and could lead to having lower self-esteem issues – which in turn results into more stress and stress eating. Try to go about things positively and try to replace your bad habits with more healthy ones. On the same note, try to avoid unnecessary stressors in your life and be aware of what you do when you feel the unavoidable negativity around. Stay calm and think rationally.

Tip #17: Give yourself some healthy snacks

It can be unavoidable sometimes to feel hungry when in between meals. Although you should try to stick to your diet plan, you sometimes need a small healthy snack. Some examples of healthy snacks are Greek yogurt, cheese, peanuts and almonds. Do take note that although these snacks are healthy, you shouldn’t have too much of them as they will affect your weight loss journey. They will either make you lose weight slower or possibly make you gain more weight.

Tip #18: Don’t drink Beer

Beer has a lot of carbohydrates since it’s typically made from Malted Barley. The carbs you ingest from drinking beer turn into glucose which in turn should be used as energy for your body. As stated before, if you don’t expend that energy it gets stored as fat. Since you’re drinking beer and not eating it, your body will have an easier time breaking down the carbs and therefore more carbs will be converted into glucose. Next time you’re at a party, just skip out on the beer to keep yourself from having a beer belly. Try pure spirits instead like vodka, gin, and tequila as they have zero carb content.

Tip #19: Cook your own meals

By cooking your own meals, you can control what goes into your food better. There is a lot of healthy and tasty recipes you can do on the internet. Maybe, if you’re creative enough, you can make your own healthy combos. But you need to do your research first above all else otherwise you might end up making unhealthy recipes that you thought were healthy. It’s recommended you follow pre-made recipes before deciding on what you should change and modify. Plus, cooking can be a lot of fun and can be enjoyed with friends and family.

Tip #20: Don’t compare yourself with others

Going back to the previous tip of not stressing yourself out, you should never compare yourself with others. Every person is different and they shouldn’t be ashamed of how much progress they’ve made, no matter how slow it is. Progress is progress and that’s the only thing that should matter. Don’t be discouraged about what others are doing and start thinking about how to improve yourself from last time. Be kind to yourself and keep doing what you’re doing. Eventually, if you stick to your routine, you’ll have that nice and healthy body you were always looking for.

These are the tips on how to jump start and maintain your diet and exercise routine throughout your life. Don’t think of all of these as hard-coded rules but rather guidelines that you can adhere to. Everyone is unique and there is no perfect exercise routine or diet plan for everyone. It’s your job to do what you think is best for your body and stick with it.


20 minute workouts with BODi


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