Insanity Day 2: Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Day 2 Insanity Plyometric CircuitWow!  Day 2 with Shaun T’s Insanity is the Plyometric Cardio Circuit.  Nice burn today.  I am really glad that I was kind of prepared for this workout since I have been doing P90X Plyometrics twice a week prior to starting Insanity.  Today was tough and as the workout went on it seemed to get harder an harder.  Think about doing suicide sprints.  That’s the kind intensity the whole workout has. I must say it really felt good and it is a nice switch from what I have been doing.  Variety keeps working out fun and I am looking forward to putting together a P90X/Insanity hybrid at the end of this.

If you are looking for information on Insanity and still wondering if it is for you I again want to stress that this workout routine is not for the beginner.  Definitely get a physical and check with your doctor prior to starting Insanity.  This is different than P90X,  with P90X you can do modified moves and slow the pace a little. With Insanity your heart is always pumping at a very high rate and your breaks are short and few and far between.  So if you really like to challenge yourself and you are already pretty fit then definitely give Insanity a go. Just click on the banner below to get started today!

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