Insanity: The Asylum Day 2 Strength

Insanity: The Asylum day two is Strength. All I can say is wow! What a great work out. I would kind of compare it to an Insanity work out but with some resistance in the form of some dumbbells. Love it! You are doing push ups, pull ups, curls some plyo jumps but every movement was pretty much a complex movement. Meaning it was not just a curl. It’s a curl with a jump and an over head press and then a jump. A pull up and then a push up, then two pull ups and two push ups and so on. Every move is pretty much using multiple muscle groups and I really like this. It is good to isolate muscles too but it is also nice to mix it up. It is only day two but these work out have been challenging and fun.
These work outs are definitely not something that I am used to so I know I will be stronger and more durable and the end of this 30 days. The Asylum/P90X hybrid schedule looks pretty good too so I might give that a whirl at the end of this 30 days with Shaun T and Asylum.
Is it hard? Yep, sure is but I like to challenge myself. This is the only way you will continue to get better. Push yourself to new highs. Set new goals and keep moving forward. Tomorrow is the Back to Core work out so I am sure I will be in for some more fun filled surprises. I’ll keep you posted.