Insanity Workout Day 3: Cardio Power and Resistance

Insanity Cardio Power and ResistanceDay 3 with Shaun T and Insanity is Cardio Power and Resistance.  First off let me say this, Insanity doesn’t get any easier.  I have never done push ups while I am out of breath and let me tell you, being out of breath make them twice as hard.  I can drop down and probably give you 8- or 90 push ups but while doing Insanity they are really tough.  Tough in a good way.  People say to me, Jeff, why do you want to do that crazy insane workout? I say to them I love a challenge.  Why do people run marathons?  Who in there right mind would do an Ironman? We want to push ourselves.  See if there really are any limits.  You will never know if you don’t push yourself.

Insanity really makes me feel good.  My normal workouts usually do not consist of cardio that is this hard.  Even when I run it is only jogging and my heart rate doesn’t get as high. P90X plyometrics gets my heart going but not on the same level.  Insanity really gets it going.

Today I also did some extra ab exercises and did some bench pressing and curls.  I feel like I have to some weight training but I am not doing as many sets.  Just 1 set for now.  My girlfriend Christina is doing P90X and Insanity right now which is 2 tough workouts a day.  Not sure if it’s a good idea but she’s been a real trooper so far.  We will see how she feels after about the 3rd week.  I think that is when it is going to catch up with her.

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