Insanity Workout Day 4: Cardio Recovery

Insanity Cardio RecoveryDay 4 with Shaun T’s Insanity is cardio recovery.  Don’t let the name fool you.  Recovery, yes.  Easy, no. I thought we might be taking it easy with this workout only to find out that my legs were going to be ran through the rinse cycle a few times.  Squats, and more squats and then hold it.  Well, I couldn’t hold it.  That was tough so now I know what I need to work on.  I thought that P90X Yoga X might have prepared me for this workout.  I guess it kind of did prepare me since I can’t even imagine how sore I would have been without the P90X workouts.  My calves and hamstrings are still a little sore and are getting even more sore just thinking about what tomorrow will bring.

If you are used to traditional weight lifting, jogging, swimming, biking or any other exercise then you will love Insanity if you are looking to mix things up. These will workouts will push you like never before.  You feel like you are right there with them working out which helps to push you even harder.  What’s nice about the Insanity workouts is you are doing things that you normally would not do.(Well at least I wouldn’t) You keep pushing yourself harder and harder and this leads to awesome results. I can already feel that my core is tighter and my legs feel like rubber so I know something is going on.  Now if I can just follow the nutrition plan to a tee I might be able to see my 6 pack at the end of this.  Or maybe I’ll just drink a 6 pack. LOL

Still not sure about Insanity?  Post a question below in the comments and I’ll do my best to get you an answer or maybe one of our readers has an answer for you.


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