Insanity Workout Day 6: Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Insanity- Plyometric Cardio CircuitIt has been a few months since I have worked out on a Saturday and I must say it did feel good.  I have been trying to limit my workouts to 5 days a week but obviously if I am doing Insanity I will have to workout out 6 days a week.  Day 6 of Shaun T’s Insanity is the plyometric cardio circuit.  I did this workout on Tuesday so I kind of knew what to expect and let me say this, knowing what was coming didn’t make it any easier.  So far, out of the Insanity workouts that I have completed, none of them are easy.  When Beachbody says this is extreme they mean it.  You do get a few 30 second breaks but that is about it.  Cardio, cardio and more cardio.

Lat night I did cheat a little bit on the nutrition plan.  We had mexican and I had to indulge in a jumbo margarita and a tecate after that.  Plus I ate a bunch of the chips.  This is only day that I squeezed in some junk so I am really not worried about it. I am pretty sure I burned most of it off today with plyometric cardio circuit.  Now today is a different story.  I might go have a few beers with my brother which usually means 12 so I just might have to squeeze something in tomorrow instead of resting.

I am not sure if I am going to keep posting daily about Insanity as the workouts do not change that much until the 5th week which is a recovery week and then they change again starting the 6th week.

Buy Shaun T Insanity

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