Jeff Ochoa Attends the 2011 Beachbody Leadership Conference at Laguna Cliffs CA

Jeff Ochoa and Shakeology Jeff Ochoa attends the Beachbody leadership conference in California!!!  Sounds kind of funny writing in 3rd person but it is good for Google.  When I am searched for this post should come up on the first page as well as my other stuff. 🙂

First let me say that Beachbody once again has put on an awesome event that was second to none.  Beachbody chose a great location in sunny southern California at the Laguna Cliffs resort in Dana point. Thursday night was kicked off with an awesome outside reception where we had a chance to mingle with other Beachbody coaches and Beacbody corporate people like Carl Daikeler, John Congdon, Brett Blake, Michael Neimand and Jeff Hill. All of these guys are great and listened with an open mind.

Friday morning (7:00 am) kicked off with a RevAbs work out with Brett Hoebel followed by breakfast and Shakeology. Brett Hoebel rocked it and I am sure the whole resort could hear us and the bumping music. Booooty time!!!!!  LOL  When breakfast was finished we only had about 20 minutes to shower and then get to the training which ran for the remainder of the day with a lunch break. There was also another yoga work out with Brett Hoebel after training for those that wanted to attend.Carl Daikeler and the guys also made themselves available for questions and pictures for a while too.

Saturday morning kicked off at 6:30 and with a P90X2 Yoga work out.  They gave us a P90X2 yoga mat so that was cool and the work out was awesome. It was only about 65 minutes which I like a lot better than the 90 minutes of Yoga X in P90X.  Off to breakfast after, quick shower and then more training for the rest of the day. The evening consisted of a 50’s themed “Good Vibrations” bash.  They had a band, dance floor, good food and drink.  A great time was had by all.

Sunday was departures.  Long trip back to Michigan.

This is another reason being a Beachbody coach is so awesome.  You can qualify for these trips in addition to helping 100’s of people get fit physically and financially.

One of the highlights of the trip was when Carl Daikeler announced some new products that will be coming.  First announcement was Body Pump by Les Mills. This work out will be a great addition to the Beachbody product line.  This work out is already in over 45 countries and is very well know.

Second new product was Tai Cheng which will be a Tai Chi work out.  This will be great if you are recovering from an injury or need something low impact.

Third announcement was the the new flavor of Shakeology, Tropical, should be ready around Jan 2012.  This flavor will also be vegan which will also be an awesome addition to the product line.

Last but not least. (Let me turn up the volume) YOU WILL BE ABLE TO GET P90X CERTIFIED! This means you could actually teach a P90X class and get paid for it.  Sort of like Zumba, TurboKick or a kick boxing class.  This should be launched around March in 2012 and it will be available to Beachbody Coaches first.

If you have questions on the P90X Certification feel free to send me an email or give me a ring.  p90X certification would be a great addition to any fitness business.

We will also start offering “The Beachbody Challenge.”  Want to get in awesome shape? Ready to take the challenge? Just ask me how.

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