Jim Rome is Doing P90X

Jim Rome Does p90X We have another celebrity doing P90X.  Jim Rome is doing P90X.  I am not to sure he is real happy about it but one thing is for sure, he is being challenged. Maybe he is just not too fond of P90X Yoga X.  He talks about all the downward dogs and all of the poses and says he wants to hit the eject button. Don’t worry Jim, this is exactly how you are supposed to feel the first couple time you are introduced to Yoga. It’s kind of funny because Jim Rome says that even if he had four months to train for the crane pose that he still wouldn’t be able to do it.  Come on Jim, it’s hard but after about your 5th or 6th time with Yoga X I think an athletic guy such as yourself would be able to hold that pose.

He also goes on to talk about P90X plyometrics and how it is beating his a**. He says he doesn’t want to hit the pause button because he doesn’t want the clock to stop.  Funny!

I found these 2 videos on youtube and hopefully they don’t remove them so you all can listen to Mr. Jim Rome on P90X.

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