Michelle Obama Does P90X

Michelle Obama Does P90XThat’s right, Michelle Obama works out with P90X.  How do I know? I know because the President himself told, Carl Daikeler, the CEO of our awesome company at an event put on by the Democratic National Committee.  It was a dinner event and when President Obama entered the room and shook hands with Carl Daikeler he mentions P90X and the mission that Team Beachbody is on to help stop the trend of obesity in this country and how what we are doing  is very similar to what the First lady is doing with her “Let’s Move campaign“. The president goes on to say that Michelle does P90X and that he can barely keep up with her. In Carl’s blog post he goes on to mention how the President wants to hear more about what Team Beachbody is doing and what we stand for.

It really is awesome to hear things like this about the company you represent. It is nice to know that our company agenda and the White House agenda on health and obesity are so closely related.

Who knows, maybe the Obama family will be in the next P90X infomercial. (Well, I doubt the Secret Service would allow that 🙁 ) Michelle Obama definitely looks in good enough shape to give any P90X grad a run for their money.

If you would like to read how Carl’s whole night went you can check out Carl’s blog.

This is another great example of P90X results in women. Heck, if it is good enough for the first lady then maybe it is good enough for you. I know P90X has put in in the best shape of my life and I still continue to do it to this day. Are you ready to get in the best shape of your life?

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