P90X Plyometrics- Is It Normal to be Really Sore after?

P90X Plyometrics SoreIs it normal to be sore after doing P90X Plyometrics? Yes! There’s your answer, short and sweet. The first time I did P90X Plyometrics I was sore and I am going to go out on a limb here and say that most people will experience some sort of soreness with this work out. Why? You are most likely not used to it yet.  I often have runners who have done P90X and are surprised at how sore their legs are after doing Plyometrics.  I always tell them that there is a big difference between running and jump training.  At least there was for me.  I like both but they are definitely different. Jump knee tucks, run stance squats, squat reach jumps, run squat 180 switch and rock star hops are nothing like running but will most likely benefit your running.  For me doing P90X plyometrics just made running feel easier for me.  For you it might be different.

I think I was sore after every work out the first week of P90X except for P90X Kenpo X.  The first time I did every other work out I was sore somewhere.  That’s ok though because P90X really showed me my weak areas and the muscles I was neglecting.

So if you are really feeling sore after P90X Plyometrics I would recommend a hot shower and be sure not to skip P90X Yoga X.  The Yoga work out is really hard but you need those stretches right now.  It will make you feel better.  You might hate it but just stick to the plan. I’m no doctor but a couple of Motrin’s might help as well. I am not a big fan of over the counter pills but some people were so sore that they had a hard time walking stairs and others had a hard time lifting their arms from the first chest and back work out.  A heating pad might do you some good as well.  Remember, your body is doing something it hasn’t done in awhile or maybe has never done so some soreness is absolutely normal and to be expected.

Stick to the work out plan and the P90X nutrition guide and believe me, your soreness will go away.


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