P90X Soreness
P90X soreness, you’ve got it and when will it go away? Haven’t started P90X yet and your wondering if you are going to be sore? Yes, you will be sore and yes it will go away. That first day is brutal depending on hard you push yourself. I pushed myself so hard on day one that I tossed my cookies. Woke up the next day and my chest and was pretty sore from a slew of push ups. Day 2 I almost tossed my cookies again but I made it through and then when I woke up on the third day now my legs and butt were sore along with my chest. Needless to say, this made me think twice when walking up the steps. Is it all worth it? YES! I am in the best shape of my life and P90X is the reason. I always worked out before P90X but never to this extent and never have I worked so many different muscles.
So P90X soreness is normal and you might have to make hot showers and Motrin your best friend for about 10 days but think about the end result. You will be in awesome shape in about 90 days. If you have to modify some moves to make it through the exercises then do that. Do what ever you have to do to push through. P90X is just as much a mental challenge as it is a physical one. Your mind will play tricks on you and try and tell you that you are too tired or too sore to go on but guess what? Your mind will battle back and you will make it through.
P90X soreness is temporary. The benefits of P90X and exercise will last you for the rest of your life. Don’t let a little thing like being sore for a week hold you back from P90X.
holy mother of god! I just woke up from my day 1 experience and my arms can barely move!! My chest muscles hurt so freaking bad. Can’t wait to do more P90X!
Ummn. yeah. I left my bum in the rec center. I can barely walk up the stairs. I’m naturally pretty fit, but holy Toledo… that was some work out. People doing it with me- at least 3 of the small group walked out and left, because they couldn’t handle the rest.
@Kitty LOL… Don’t worry. It gets better. Which work out made you bum so sore??
Holy Heck! My husband and I are doing this together, I started a few days before him and and I was so extremely sore I could barely move. My husband kind of laughed it off as me being weak at first, Yesterday was day 2 for him and day 4 for me. HaHa, He couldn’t move last night. Today we made it through, me on day 5 and him day 3. He needed my help to take his shirt off this morning and we both feel like crap, and I mean we feel like pounded meat!! We are both sort of grumpy and tired. So far I haven’t seen a weight loss in my self but my husband has already dropped 3 pounds. (:~( happy for him but still I want results too. I am going to keep plugging away at it. And yea I have felt like tossing my cookies for the last 3 days, every workout that I do is brutal and by the middle of it I am feeling sick and nauseous.
@DeeDee Don’t worry, you are not alone. First time I did P90X I tossed my cookies and was sore for about 9 days. It’s normal. Don’t worry about not seeing the scale moves after only 5 workouts. Would be nice if that was the case but most people start to notice results in weeks 3-5. Also, did you take you before pictures and measurements? This is the best way to track your progress and the scale doesn’t always paint the correct picture. Keep”BRINGIN IT”!!!!!!
@DeeDee I almost forgot, are your drinking the P90X Recovery drink??? This will help your recovery. You can get it at https://www.decidetostayfit.com/where-to-buy-the-p90x-recovery-drink
I am drinking Jillian Michaels Whey Protein Shake, I had and and so am using it. I can’t afford to go buy the recovery drink but will when I get the chance. I am sure I will start seeing results. Along with entering every thing I eat into my fitness pal and completeing each work out every single day I know I will be fit as a fiddle in no time. Just have to syke my body into believing that. 🙂
@DeeDee Awesome!!! I use fitness pal too. Great tool. Just so you know the P90X Recovery drink is different than a protein shake. A recovery drink will have a higher carb ratio to help with recovery, usually 3:1 – 5:1 carbs to protein.
Ok, sounds great, I will have to try the recovery drink when I have some extra money. I want to follow the p90x nutrition plan and so will be shopping for that this week. Thanks for the help. 🙂
@DeeDee You definitely want to follow the nutrition plan. This will get you the best results!!! Be sure to let us know how things are going!!!