P90X Yoga X: What to Expect with Day 4!

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Many question the P90X Yoga X work out before they actually do it. Don’t be one of those people. Yoga X is really tough the first few times and is a vital part of your body sculpting. It’s not going to be easy, “just breathe”. OK, so even if you are breathing it is still going to be hard but you will be amazed at your progress at the end of 90 days.
You are going to need a mat with good traction so you are not slipping all around. You will be doing Yoga X barefoot in case you didn’t know. You will want to be in a warm, calm and comfortable environment. You should try and avoid any interruptions to get the most out of Yoga X. Relax and do not hold your breath during postures.
Here is what P90X Yoga X looks like:
Warm up, which includes Mountain Pose, Wide Feet Hamstring Stretch, Wide Forward Bent Over Torso Twist, Split Leg Forward Hamstring Stretch, Standing Side Stretch, Ashtanga Sun Salutations, Downward Dog Calf Stretch.
Moving Asanas
Runners Pose, Crescent Pose, Warrior One, Warrior Two, Reverse Warrior, Triangle Pose, Twisting Triangle, Chair to Twisting Chair(Prayer Twist), Right Angle Pose to Extended Right Pose and Grab. Prayer Twist from Runner’s Pose to Side Arm Balance, Warrior Three to Standing Splits.
Balance Postures
Tree, Royal Dancer, Standing Leg Extension
Floor Work
Crane (pre-handstand), Seated Spinal Stretch, Cat Stretch, Frog, Bridge or Wheel, Table, Cobbler Pose
The Yoga Belly 7
One-Legged Hamstring Stretch into Two-Legged Hamstring Stretch, Touch the Sky, Boat, Half Boat, Scissor, Torso Twist Hold, Deep Torso Twist Hold, Touch the Sky, Side Twist, Glute Stretch, Happy Baby, Child’s Pose, Shavasana (corpse pose), Fetal Pose and Meditation Pose.
Ahhhhh. What a work out. Now you should be well relaxed and stretched out
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