P90X2 Plyocide- What You can Expect with P90X2 Plyocide

P90X2 PlyocideP90X2 Plyocide. So you are wondering what to expect with P90X2 Plyocide? Loved P90X2 Core so what should Plyocide be any different. Well let me just say I am in pretty good shape after doing several rounds of P90x, Insanity and Insanity: The Asylum and this was still an awesome work out. My left glute is super sore for some reason. Not the right, just the left. Weird!  P90X2 Plyocide is definitely challenging and with different moves from the original P90X.  I love incorporating the medicine ball and the stability ball into my work outs. Also, let me say Holy Foam Roller! You will use this more in P90X2 Recovery and Mobility but let me just tell you that I will be implementing this roller into my regiment forever. I have the foam roller that came with the P90X2 Ultimate kit so it has the little nobs on it and boy can you feel them. I have to believe that there is a huge difference between this roller and the standard roller which has no nobs on it. Needless to say after 3 days I am a fan. (Of P90X2 and the foam roller 🙂

I love that feeling of having new work outs to do.  I can’t wait to move on tomorrow to the next P90X2 work out which is P90X2 Total Body and P90X2 Ab Ripper.

From the P90X2 Guide

“Death by plyometrics? Well not exactly, but that’s how you might feel the first time you attempt Plyocide. This awesome work out combines traditional explosive movements with mind and coordination drills to increase not only your speed and endurance, but you entire mind/bod connection. Don’t do P90X2 Plyocide more than once per week.”

Buy P90X2 Exercise Program

P90X2 Plyocide 55 minutes 25 seconds

What you need for P90X2 Plyocide: 2 pieces of tape (optional), stability ball or towel, medicine ball or towel, plyo box or sturdy plat form(I used a sturdy chair), mat(optional), water and a towel.

X2 Plyocide Warm Up

Stability Ball Twist

Stability Ball Squat

Side Stretch with Stability Ball

Alternating Back Lunge with Stability Ball

Atlas with stability ball

Some Foam Rolling

Roller Sphinx

Worlds Greatest Stretch

Inch Worm



P90X2 Plyocide Moves

Wide Leg Tip Toe Squat

Killer Katherine Lunge (with medicine ball)

Fast Feet Chair Jump

Slalom Line Jump

Warrior 3 Lunge

Jack-in-the-Box Knee Tuck

Think Drill (hmmm)

Spartan Squat Lunge

Super Skater Kick

Depth Charge

Frog Burpee Hop

1 Leg Slalom

1 Leg Squat

Surfer Spin

Power 90 Cross Hop

Wide Leg Jump Press (with medicine ball)

Launcher Lunge (with medicine ball0

Toe Tap 360 (with medicine ball)

Flying Fighter Kick

Set, Sprint, Plank, Plyo Jump

Holy Moly, we’re sweating now!!!

Cool Down

P90X2 Plyocide is an awesome work out. Worked those leg and glutes and definitely left some DNA on the floor. Check out the preview below.


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