P90X3 Rumors

P90X3 Rumors P90X3 rumors!

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Did someone just say “P90X3”? Whooooaaaahhh!!!  Is is a fact, fiction or still unknown? P90X was a complete hit which changed the lives of millions of people. Then 2 years ago came P90X2 which was a hit and continued to build but with a slightly different approach. Now we are ready for P90X3 and if you are here reading this post then there is a pretty good chance that you are just as excited as I am.  Yes, I have done several rounds of P90X and still do it to this day. Yes, I have done P90X2 and you best believe I am really looking forward to P90X3.  I am sure this will be another hit with another awesome approach to fitness.
Are you wondering when P90X3 will be released?  Well, as the the current information I have P90X3 is set to be released in the winter of 2013! 🙂 If you want to be put on the list to be the FIRST to know when P90X3 is released just click here, enter your email address and you will know the day P90X3 is released. You will also get a FREE P90X3 bonus workout when you place your order from this site. 🙂

Tony Horton has been working hard on this one and I am sure that P90X3 is going to be amazing.


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