Someone once said that the worst vice was “advice” but I seen this video and I couldn’t resist writing a little post about starting your day. What you say and what you think about when you wake up in the morning...
p90X 90 day work out, px90, xp90x,90x and p90x are what I have heard it called. All I know is the the P90X exercise program has become nothing short of a phenomenon. It’s no wonder that national news stations want to...
Should you do your P90X work out if you are sick? I get this question a lot and I first want to say that I am not a doctor so this is in no way medical advice. I can tell you...
Is it normal to be sore after doing P90X Plyometrics? Yes! There’s your answer, short and sweet. The first time I did P90X Plyometrics I was sore and I am going to go out on a limb here and say that...
Stop making excuses and start your exercise program today. Make the commitment and “Just Do It”. Well Jeff, I don’t have any time. Come on now, you can’t find and hour in your busy day to fit a work out in? ...
Becoming a Team Beachbody Coach, if it for you? What’s involved in becoming a Beachbody coach? What does a Beachbody coach do? I often get questions like this from people wondering what is a Team Beachbody coach. Let me give it...
It’s that time of the year again. Time to brush off the BBQ grills and fire them up. With Memorial Day quickly approaching I wanted to find a good veggie burger recipe for my honey, Christina, to try and hopefully like....
So I was doing some fitness reading the other day and I came across an interesting story or two. One one them I want to share with you now since if I have never heard of this and I am pretty...