Just want to to take a few minutes and say congratulations to my brother Marcus Ochoa who was one of the top recruiters last week for all of Team Beachbody coming in 3rd place. This is no small task as there...
So I did the Shakeology Cleanse and I wanted to share my results and the way I felt while doing it for 3 days. First off I do want to say that I did not do the Shakeology Cleanse to lose...
Customize P90X to meet your needs. P90X has become a phenomenon but what most people don’t know is that you can also customize P90X to meet your specific goals and there are also three different P90X plans for different results. With...
So I received and another question the other day from someone who had purchased a pirated (bootlegged) P90X work out program and guess what? They got burned. I have so many of these stories that it makes me wonder why people...
“Bigger, stronger, faster” is a great slogan, but from a training perspective, you don’t want to try to achieve them at the same time. The P90X training system addresses mass, strength, and speed together. This is fine for most of us,...
Since I’m sitting here in a snowstorm, it seems like a good idea to address how to use P90X to get your body ready for snow sports before it’s too late. If you recall the principles discussed 2 weeks ago (see...
Guys have a thing for mass. It’s hard to explain, really, but boys seem to grow up wanting nothing more than to be big. Guys want speedboats and trucks, and they want to look like The Hulk, regardless of what their...
P90X is not a weight loss program, yet most people lose weight by doing it. This is because most of those people begin the program with more body fat than they’re happy with, and getting ripped means they’ve lost body fat...