Should I take a break after 90 days of P90X?

Take a Break from P90XSo I received a question the other day from a P90X graduate and he was wondering if he should take a break after completing 90 days of P90X? After thinking about how to answer I decided to refer to the P90X fitness guide and also tell him what works best for me from my own personal experience.  In the P90X fitness there is always a recovery week which is every 4th week.  So you workout for 3 weeks and then do P90X Yoga X, P90X Core Synergistics, P90X Kenpo X and P90X Stretch.  I would say to give your body some sort of recovery time just like you do in the 4th week, the 8th week and the 13th week of P90X. What you do is up to you but I would do something.  I would not just take 7 days off from everything.  Here is what I do. I do Yoga X twice, Core synergistics twice and on Wed I do light weight with 20 reps per exercise.  Actually let me spell in out: Mon- P90X Yoga X, Tues- P90X Core Synergistics, Wed- Lift weights with light weights and do 20 reps per exercise, thurs- P90X Yoga X, and Fri- P90X Core synergistics. (Sat and Sun I do nothing)  You could probably throw in P90X Plyometrics in the mix instead of core but it is up to you.  For some reason this really energizes me and I feel stronger when I start back up on the following Monday.

Everyone is different and you have to do what is best for you and your body.  Maybe you only workout 3 times during your recovery week.  Maybe you only need a recovery week every 5th or 6th week.  What you need will be an on going work in progress.  It takes time to figure these things out.  Your goals will change and then you will have to make even further changes to your workout regiment.

So listen to your body, it will send you messages.  What is good for me might now be good for you.  Always stay open minded when it comes to your fitness and be willing to make some changes.  Keep it fun and keep pushing play. You can always add Insanity or Tony Horton’s One on One workouts to your regiment as well if you really want to mix it up.

Update: And now, as of spring 2015, you can now stream P90X, P90X2, P90X3, Insanity or many of the Beachbody workouts right to your tablet, phone, computer, Roku, Amazon Firestick or any internet connected device. You also have access to all of the Nutrition Guides and Workout Guides. We’re so confident in the value our streaming provides that you can try if FREE for 30 days. So not sure if you want to do P90X2 or P90X3? Try them both out and go from there. All you have to do is go to Beachbody On Demand to start your FREE trial.

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