P90X and P90X2 Plus Shakeology on Sale for the Month of March and what a great deal it is!!! Update: How would you like to try P90X, P90X2 and P90X3 for FREE for 30 days? Check out our Beachbody On Demand Streaming....
So I decided to do P90X Plyometrics today but I wanted to make it a little harder and more intense. I know what you’re thinking, P90X Plyometrics is hard enough by itself. Most people modify it to make it easier, who...
Customize P90X to meet your needs. P90X has become a phenomenon but what most people don’t know is that you can also customize P90X to meet your specific goals and there are also three different P90X plans for different results. With...
“Bigger, stronger, faster” is a great slogan, but from a training perspective, you don’t want to try to achieve them at the same time. The P90X training system addresses mass, strength, and speed together. This is fine for most of us,...
Since I’m sitting here in a snowstorm, it seems like a good idea to address how to use P90X to get your body ready for snow sports before it’s too late. If you recall the principles discussed 2 weeks ago (see...
Guys have a thing for mass. It’s hard to explain, really, but boys seem to grow up wanting nothing more than to be big. Guys want speedboats and trucks, and they want to look like The Hulk, regardless of what their...
P90X is not a weight loss program, yet most people lose weight by doing it. This is because most of those people begin the program with more body fat than they’re happy with, and getting ripped means they’ve lost body fat...
In today’s installment of customizing P90X, we’ll address endurance athletes. As you might have surmised, doing the Back & Biceps workout isn’t going to improve your marathon time. And no week of P90X leaves you feeling ready to take on an...