The Lowdown on the Newest Beachbody Drink, Bevvy
The Lowdown on the Newest Beachbody Drink, Bevvy

If there is one thing that is most challenging for you in your health journey what would it be? Junk food cravings can be one of the hardest to overcome while on your way to a healthier and fitter you. You can be fueling your body with all the nutritious foods…check! Preparing healthy meals…check! Meal planning each week…check! Thwarting cravings for chocolate…hmmm? We are talking about this mouth-watering, ever moist, melt-in-your mouth chocolate cake goodness here. How can you ever resist that?
Your diet can be on point but it won’t exempt you from all the delish cravings that gnaw at you and cling on to you like glue. And just because you have decided to move on does not mean it’s going to be a straight path. Some days, you’ll find yourself consistently following your diet. But then others days, you’d say what the heck and give in to the moist chocolate cake craving.
Here’s where Beachbody comes to the rescue with Beachbody Bevvy. Bevvy is that new, all-powerful tool that can help you crush those cravings with craving-busting tea supplements. It provides you with the support you need to lose weight and stay on track with your long-term health goals. More of what you need to know about Bevvy below:
- You can easily mix Bevvy with warm or cold water. It’s in powdered formula and not in teabags so it dissolves quickly. Try not to mix it with boiling water though. Do have Bevvy at least twice a day to achieve the best results.
- Bevvy comes in two soothing and refreshing flavors, Pomegranate Berry and Lemon. Each serving is a low 15 calories and has less caffeine – below 8 milligrams. That is less caffeine than what you will get from an ounce of dark chocolate.
- The most interesting part to Bevvy are its main ingredients: brewer’s yeast peptides, fiber, and green tea phytosomes. All three play an important role in busting those cravings.
- The peptides in Bevvy have been clinically studied and are made from brewer’s yeast. Brewer’s yeast peptides help curb cravings as well as minimize your food intake. These peptides are actually short amino acid strings that form the building blocks of protein. They have shown to suppress ghrelin, the hunger hormones that signal the body when you are hungry. The same is going to happen with your other appetite signals as it inevitably helps you think less about your cravings.
- Meanwhile, the green tea phytosomes in Bevvy is a powerful ingredient that has shown to clinically help with healthy weight loss. The phytosomes are from a complex of sunflower lecithin or phospholipids that the body easily absorbs and green tree extract.
- The green tea extract has been seen to work by allowing the body to burn more of the fat as fuel. And because it is decaffeinated at less than eight milligrams a serving, you can enjoy it even at night. In this way, you can fight off those snack attacks late at night while making up for that much-needed sleep.
- Statistics show that only about 47% Americans are able to adhere to the required amount of fiber in their diet. This is despite the importance of fiber in achieving a healthy body. Based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans from 2015 to 2020, American women are recommended to consume fiber at 25-28 grams daily while men should have 30-34 grams every day.
- The good news is that, each serving of Bevvy has 3 grams of soluble corn fiber that is GMO-free, making it a great source of dietary fiber. Eat up on whole grains, veggies, beans, and other fiber-rich foods plus Shakeology and Bevvy twice each day and you are sure to hit your fiber intake requirements daily.
- Even more good news, Bevvy has this kind of soluble fiber that causes less bloating or has none of the tummy issues that is typically experienced with other types of fiber.
- Beachbody Bevvy only has the good and none of the ingredients that you often check in your food or beverage. Both the Pomegranate Berry and the Lemon flavors are soy-free, dairy-free, and gluten-free. It also does not have preservatives or artificial flavors.
- Drink your Bevvy 30 minutes before you enjoy your meals for at least twice a day. Add some ice with cold water for a delicious drink or with warm water to make it soothing.
- If cravings is the enemy, Bevvy is the armament to help you win in your weight loss battle. It is the tool that can empower you to keep moving forward. Never ever let your cravings control you again. Turn it around and take control over them with Bevvy.
- Beachbody Bevvy is now available in a carton with 40 individual stick packs in the US. Bring it everywhere with you conveniently. Check it out at
International launch coming soon!