What is the Most Important Piece of Equipment you Need for P90X?

P90X MindsetWhat is the Most Important Piece of Equipment you Need for P90X?

Breaking news: You can now “try” P90X FREE for 30 days with our Beachbody On Demand. You will also get the P90X Nutrition Guide as well. You will also have access to other workouts like P90X, Insanity, TurboFire, Brazil Butt Lift, T25, 21 Day Fix Extreme, P90X One on One’s and many others. (great value)

I have done a post before titled “What equipment do need to do P90X?’ but I don’t think I really covered what the most important piece of equipment is that you will need. MINDSET! That’s right, the most important piece of equipment you will need costs nothing and all you might have to do is tune it in. I have seen so many people buy treadmills, shake weights, gym memberships, gadgets, work out programs and for some reason they never get anywhere. Why? Mindset.  I really don’t think people understand what it really takes to change. I can tell you one thing, it definitely takes more than a week.  So many people go into a new work out regiment with the “I’ll give this a try” attitude and think they are going to succeed.  My first round of P90X I made up my mind before I even received the work outs that nothing was going to get in the way of the hour I needed to put in each day for the next 90 days. Guess what? I did not miss one work out.  Now I understand life happens and things will come up but that is not an excuse to quit.  If you miss a work out, so what. Just don’t make a habit of it. If you miss 2 or more P90X work outs repeat that week.  This simple formula will take you a long way.

Most people think it is the pull up bar, push-up stands or the dumbbells that are the most important piece of equipment when starting P90X but I always ask how many times have you been to someones house and seen their tread mill used as a clothes hanger?  Work outs that have not even been opened and just collecting dust.? Gym memberships that haven’t been used in months? I see it all the time.  Before you decide on a program you need to get in the right frame of mind.  Decide you really want this.  Make your commitment and you will succeed.  You might not be able to do any pull ups when you start, you might only be able to do 2 push ups when you start, you might not be able to finish Ab Ripper or P90X Plyometrics but just show up every day and you will amaze yourself with the results you will see over the next 90 days.

Looking for more P90X FAQ’s?

If you are looking to get started with P90X then take our P90X Beachbody Challenge. We will help you on your journey. We know this formula works. You will know what to eat every day, what work out to do every day and you will be held accountable.

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