Where to buy P90X?

It is kind of amazing that people still ask this question but I think the reason it has to be asked is because of all of the fake/counterfeit copies of the P90X exercise program out there. You see P90x for $119.85, you see it for $90, you see it for even $69. So what is the difference and who should you trust when you finally decide to “Bring It” and tackle P90X? One thing I can tell you for sure is that if you find P90X for under $119.85 it is either used or a pirated copy. Now I guess a used copy is not all that bad, just make sure you get the P90X nutrition plan and the work out guide with it since you will need both of these. Also make sure that you get all 12 DVD’s since you will be using them all. Depending on which version you choose you will be doing P90X Classic, P90X Lean or P90X Doubles and the work out guide will lay out the weeks work outs for you.
Buyer beware, P90X is an extremely popular program and there are a lot of pirated copies out there that skip, have no sound, have an unclear picture, missing DVD’s, missing guides and more. Some people never received there P90X at all. I really don’t think it is worth the risk to save a few bucks. Plus you have no kind of warranty or guarantee. When you purchase P90X through a Beachbody coach such as myself you get a money back guarantee and you get me as your friend to help guide you when you have questions. You also become part of the Beachbody community which is another great place to get your questions answered, work out in WOWY our online super gym, track your weight, measurements, before and after pictures and make some new friends. You can also be assured that if there is ever a problem Beachbody customer service will always be there to help and so will I.
P90X is not sold in stores so you have 3 choices. Get a fake copy. Buy P90X from a Beachbody coach. Buy it right from the infomercial. If you ever have any questions just leave a comment or click on the “contact us” tab above and we will be happy to help you out. Not sure if P90X is for you? Just ask, we will help you make your decision.
Ready to get started. Buy P90X now!
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