Why am I so Tired after Doing P90X?

Tired After P90X

Why am I so Tired after Doing P90X?

So you are feeling super tired after and during your P90X workouts and you are wondering if this is normal.  First I would like to commend you because this usually means you are sticking to the P90X nutrition plan.  When you are in phase 1 of P90X whether it is level 1,2 or 3 you are limited to 1 carb.  This is going to have an affect on your body and most people feel this way after about 10 – 14 days into starting P90X.  At this point if you are dragging I would say to add in another carb to your diet.  This 1 extra card might be what you need to get you going again.  The genius of the P90X nutrition plan is it was designed to help you understand how certain foods react with you body.  Especially carbs.  Without them you feel drained and tired.  Eat too many of them and you feel drained and tired.  I don’t know about you but when I leave a nice Italian restaurant I am usually ready for a nap if I ate all of the goodies like loads of bread, pasta and more pasta.

When doing P90X, the nutrition plan wants you to introduce carbs back into your diet slowly so you can really see how many carbs you need to keep your body functioning at its’ peak but also at the same time not over doing it.  Remember, carbs are our friend.  Without them it would be tough to muster up the energy to “Bring It” every day with P90X and Tony Horton.

So if you find yourself dragging while doing P90X don’t worry, this is common,  just add in an extra carb and see what happens.  You will most likely find yourself feeling better within a couple days with more energy.  Also remember it is normal to feel tired when doing a workout of this caliber.  P90X is no walk in the park so it will take some getting used to as you build up your endurance.

One other thing you might want to experiment with is moving around the time you eat you your fruit.  Try eating it before your workout or after your workout.  Try eating it early in the morning or around dinner time.  See how you feel and I am pretty sure you will be able to pick out a time that is perfect for fruit.  It might even give you a little boost as well.

You could also try Shakeology.  It might be your healthiest meal of the day with over 70 ingredients.  I highly recommend Shakeology as it is great nutrition for the body after a work out like P90X.

Here is another option.  People always ask if they should take supplements.  I am not a nutritionist but I always say yes.

This is straight from Tony Horton’s book “Bring It” and he wants you to take his supplement challenge. For one week continue working out and eating clean but do not take any supplements. Then answer the 13 questions below.  At the start of the following week add your supplements back into your regiment and then answer the 13 questions again. Compare the number and you will see if supplements make a difference. Answer all questions on a 1-to-10 scale: 1=never and 10=always.  Make sure you are honest with yourself!

1. I experience sound, restful sleep most nights of the week.

2. I have plenty of energy throughout the day.

3. I have a healthy and normal appetite with very few craving.

4. I am happy with my present weight.

5. I’m enthusiastic about my fitness and have plenty of energy during exercise.

6. I’m good at handling stress.

7. I’m satisfied with the state of my libido.

8. My memory, cognition and mental acuity are good.

9. I have a good/full range of motion and am not experiencing joint pain.

10. My muscles are strong and lean and recover quickly after exercise.

11. My heart and long capacity are strong during cardiovascular exercise.

12. I have normal digestion with no stomach or intestinal issues.

13. I feel that i”m in good mental health, free from sadness, depression and anxiety.

Always remember one thing, supplements are supplementary to basic health maintenance. Supplements build upon a foundationof proper eating, sleep and rest. You can not live on supplements alone!

Update: And now, as of spring 2015, you can now stream P90X, P90X2, P90X3, Insanity or many of the Beachbody workouts right to your tablet, phone, computer, Roku, Amazon Firestick or any internet connected device. You also have access to all of the Nutrition Guides and Workout Guides. We’re so confident in the value our streaming provides that you can try if FREE for 30 days. So not sure if you want to do P90X2 or P90X3? Try them both out and go from there. All you have to do is go to Beachbody On Demand to start your FREE trial.

Wondering where to buy P90X supplements? You can get “everything” P90X from this site.

My favorite supplement: SHAKEOLOGY

Buy Shakeology

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