Why is P90X so Popular?

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Why is P90X so popular? I have been asked this question several times so I decided to write a post about it.  First of all if you ask this question to 10 different people then you will get 10 different answers.  Now if you ask 10 people who have done P90X then I am sure you will get some similar answers ranging from “P90X has put me in the best shape of my life” to “It’s kind of hard but I like it”. I really have not seen to many negative reviews of P90X unless someone was using a negative review for personal gain.

Here is my answer of why P90X is so popular.  It’s quite simple actually.  RESULTS! If you do the workouts and follow the P90X nutrition plan you will get results.  There a lot of workouts out there but most of them are missing a very important part, the nutrition plan.  People can follow a workout quite easily but when it comes to nutrition then it’s a different story.  P90X lays it all out for you.  The P90X nutrition plan tells you what to eat and the P90X workout guide tells you what workouts to do.  For me P90X was the first workout video I have ever done and I am totally hooked. One of the other things that I like about P90X was the fact that you put it in and get it done.  I never realized that I took way too much time between sets until I did P90X.  Push play and get it done.  Small breaks in between and that’s it.

Modified moves.  If you can’t keep up at first you can modify the exercises and modify the moves.  You only do what you can and then watch how much you will improve over 90 days.  That’s what it is all about, making improvements.  p90X if for just about everyone.  Men, women, athletes, runners, tri-athletes and so many more.  Just make sure  you get the green light from your doctor.

P90X is really become a workout phenomenon.  People are tattooing P90X on their body, there are over 89,oo0 facebook fans, there are over 10,000 youtube testimonials and over 10,000 twitter followers. I really feel that P90X is still in it’s infancy.  The word about the results you get is now traveling virally and there is no slow down in sight.  So if you don’t have P90X yet it’s time pick up this awesome 90 day workout today.

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