Will P90X Get Rid of My Love Handles?

p90x and love handlesWill P90X get rid of my love handles? First of all, why are they called love handles?  I am pretty sure that there is no love for those handles that reside on some of our waists’.  I’m pretty sure that anyone who has love handles wants them gone and gone for good.  Is P90X the work out that is going to tackle this feat for you? Is the P90X exercise program going to get rid of those dreaded love handles? YES!

Truth of the matter is that the area around the waist an belly is the toughest to lose and usually the last to go.  The key to lose the fat in these areas is eating right, burning excess fat and building lean muscle.  Guess what? P90X does all of these things.  P90X comes with the P90X nutrition plan and 12 awesome work outs including P90X Ab Ripper. Ab Ripper X  help to tone belly and get rid of those love handles.

P90X lays it all out for you.  P90X will help you burn fat, build lean muscle and teach you how to eat. All you need to do is follow the plan, stay consistent and show up.  Just because you purchase P90X doesn’t mean you are going to have a hard ripped body.  You actually have to put in the time and do the work outs.

Depending on where you are starting from you might be able to reach your goals in 90 days or it might take you a little longer to get rid of those love handles. The thing to remember here is that getting and staying fit is not just a 90 day commitment. Staying fit is a lifestyle decision and P90X is definitely something you can do for the rest of your life.  P90X will hopefully become a habit for you after your initial 90 days and after that you can either maintain or go for another round. You can always improve on  your previous round’s results.

So what are you waiting for? Pick your P90X work outs and get started.  Your body will thank you.

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